
You win the internet today sir.

You know, that whole moment changes Spider-Man forever as a person, the fact that it was HIS fault changes the way he does his thing and becomes the biggest burden he has to carry for the rest of his life. I think it needs to happen. It was a powerful moment in the comics.

From a strategy standpoint I always enjoyed FFX's combat the most. It was turn based and you could see the turn layout on the right of the screen and plan ahead on what would happen over the course of battle. Sometimes I could set up 3 or 4 turns in a row before an enemy even got a chance to go. Also, as mentioned,

Everyone please vote for Time Warner Cable and Comcast. For the love of all that is holy, send them a message.

One of my most satisfying purchases this year. It's a survival/town building game. There's no combat or invading forces, just the cold, starvation, plagues and sickness, and natural disasters. The goal is to see how long your village can survive and it can grow as big as you can manage. I've gotten one town so big

Oh really? Why did you tell me this? Goddamnit, good bye money.

It's not $60, it's $50 a year.

I play Black Templars (update my book GW! :( ), I just wish more games took advantage of the great lore and stories for that section of the Space Marines.

Don't worry, he usually pulls his punches on normal guys like him. Still gonna hurt, but he'll put a friendly-neighborhood touch on him for the cops afterwards so he's nice and cozy on the ride to the precinct.

Beer plus fried chicken is one of the best meals on the planet. The fact that KFC's in the US have not capitalized on this is beyond me.

I want to give a heads up for future purchasers who use integrated graphics laptops such as myself. Titanfall currently is EXTREMELY buggy on Intel integrated graphics including massive stretching and deformation, missing guns, ect. There is a beta driver from Intel currently, but it stops recognizing your built in

Ugh, why must you twist the knife in my heart? I miss CoH/V :(

Dude, do you remember classic Spider-Man? Peter Parker always had at least 2-3 girls going after him at the same time. First it was Betty Brant and Liz Allen and then Mary Jane hit the scene, in covered shots, and all of a sudden both Betty and Liz got jealous. Then After Peter's fight and cock waving with Flash, Liz

X-Men Days of Future past looks great. I was really happy with the cast of First Class and I think it's going to be great. Obviously Winter Soldier is going to be great.

It's fine if you're setting it up to have something in it that relates to the new way that you're selling the idea. In this case, Peter Parker was genetically engineered at birth to accept the super stimulant from a Spider Bite by his father.

Great, I'm glad they're making a new Arkham game, now can this one please not be set in Winter? How about Gotham during the summer or something? I'm tired of the snow and winter effects, want something fresh.

So is it true that they're abandoning doing a PC open beta as well? I'd really like to make sure my laptop can run it before I go out and pre-order it. I saw an IGN article alluding to the idea that they're not doing it now and sticking to beta registrations instead.

Anytime I've had to go through customer support they were always punctual and nice and resolved things quickly. The game is fantastic though, highly recommend picking it up.

ITT: People complaining about The Last of Us being overrated, yaddayaddayadda