
They put too much of Mass Effect 2 into Dragon Age. It feels more like Dragon Effect than a true Dragon Age game. The conversation wheel ruins the actualy, stop, read, and think that the original conversation options had. Now you know what's going to happen. Also, I'm not a huge fan of the art style for DA2, liked the

I are disappointed with myself. This weekend I did not get a chance to do all of the gaming I wanted to do. :( New roommate moved in, ran out of money, meetings with new PR guy for one of my bands, got hired to play for a solo artist named Alina Smith, and a ton of other crap.

The super hero's in Fallout 3 in that one town, that was awesome. Lol

Yea, I don't know why people really disliked them. :( They were AWESOME! Especially as you pulled up on the island you were sailing for, you could see it slowly pull in over the horizon, and that really helped to put into perspective how big the game world really was.

You know what? I still love the hell out of my droid and I don't think it's that bad. It has three things that I wanted in a phone: Emulators, total customizability, and free calling with Google Voice. Besides Pandora radio and a ton of sweet apps. I'm telling you though, I've been playing a LOT of Poke'mon Red again

Just watch out with solo projects man, in a solo project, it's all on you. Ofcourse, you'll make more money because you'll be taking the entire cut of profits from authorship and publishing (depending on your deal), but that also means you have to pay your band members, pay for rehearsal spaces, pay for recording, pay


@dowingba: I don't know about that. I remember reading on the wiki that you have to be two squares away from a possible spawn location. That's why I put it in the center of a room full well let and slept. Have never had a problem with mobs spawning since.

None of my images are posting!!!!!

This doesn't change anything. Call of Madden XVI is still coming out this year. Give it time.

I'm thinking they're going to take a parody on Los Angeles, which I'm totally cool with cause I live here! :D

Totally agree.

Yep, same here, they release a new model of the DS every year, might as well wait for a good one.

I'll wait for either the price to drop or the redesign that they'll inevitably do next year.

Then I would put on your shoes and go down to your nearest game retailer and purchase it immediately. Definitely a game I wouldn't miss if I owned a PS3. I'm glad I picked it up, it's like if you own a PS3 you have to own Uncharted 1 & 2, it's like universal law of PS3 ownership.

I used to in the car on the way home when I was a kid! :3

But bwain, why can't we do something else for a change!?

A mix of Ocarina of Time, Final Fantasy XIII and DDO.