
Picked up a used Dreamcast from Game Dude a few months ago in North Hollywood for $20 and a copy of Shenmue for $15 and a copy of Jet Grind Radio for $10, best investment I ever made. Still need to get the Sonic Adventure games and Crazy Taxi, any other games I should invest in for my new Dreamcast?

Will definitely see you guys there, I think a round of shots will have to be in order! We'll start with Whiskey, then Rum, then Vodka, and finally end the night with Salt and Tequila shots, and then spend the rest of the evening in the restroom! HAH!

@undeadmouse: Dear lord, I must try it! Sounds like the most heavenly unhealthy thing ever created, now all they have to do is deep fry it in oil and then serve it up with a side of curly fries and a Mt. Dew.

@undeadmouse: Yea, I agree, even Skooby's isn't that great. And Wienerschnitzle, lol, that's a joke.

@Taggart6: Never heard of Fab Hotdogs, gonna have to check it out next time I get paid! How's the pricing?

@RickaMayCry: Ugh, Tommy's? No thanks, that place makes me sick.

As long as they don't start charging for their normal online, browser-based, services then it's whatever for me, I can't even afford Gold right now, so it doesn't really affect me.

Dude, I'm stoked on this movie too, I don't fucking care that Baraka doesn't look right, it fit the feel for what they were going for and I think it all looks pretty sick regardless.

Even though I'm a huge Chrono Cross fan, my vote is for the Final Fantasy series.

@D-K: Did someone say "hover-board"!?

Can has re-release of Day of the Tentacle? Plz? :P

@Crayon Box of Fury: Dude, what part of LA do you live in? I'm taking the 203 bus from Sunset and Cherokee to get there seeing as I live right next to it.

@Aiden Sanders: We can play Flip Cup! I'm a champ at Flip Cup! :D

See you cats there this year and I'm gonna be bringing some friends!

@Evilsoda: That's why we just dream about it. :( Fucking Lucasarts.

@Evilsoda: The problem, my friend, is that this isn't being made by Bioware. It's being made by Lucasarts, and since the prequel movies, we all know how bad Lucasarts has been.

Give me a real, breathing city this time that doesn't look trashed. Let me have some fun busting up random crime from regular dudes and bring it to a more realistic super hero level (i.e. Marvel style almost).

@Anizawa: 12 year old kids who were shoved in a room with pizza and cake and were told to answer the questions on the sheet.

3 years old, Astayanax for NES was my first game. I remember my mom would play it a lot and couldn't get past the first boss. Then I tried playing it and found out that if you press up and attack it let off your magic attack. Needless to say I finally finished that game and was hooked ever since!

Ugh, no to all, dear lord that's just disgusting. I guess the actual hot women that CAN game have better standards.