Archer Farms pasta is the shizzzzz! $2 for a bag of spaghetti? I'm there!
Archer Farms pasta is the shizzzzz! $2 for a bag of spaghetti? I'm there!
@holidays! cat: There's also online options like RPTools and OpenRPG used in combination with Vent or Skype. It's all free! Haha
Finally picked one up over the holiday weekend with MGS4, LBP, Killzone 2, Uncharted 1 and 2, and God of War Collection and I love it. I said at the beginning of this whole console war: "Give me 5 exclusive titles and a reasonable price and you'll have my business."
Don't care at all really.
Yuck, she has a Line 6 Pod in her rack. Not the greatest recording tool on the planet, you can do much better. :P #alexisraven
Great, another chance for people to blame Grand Theft Auto for a kids medical problems.
In the process of waiting for Dragon Age and all of the work and recording I have to do, I'm playing The Witcher to pass the time, as a taste before Dragon Age comes out, then I'm taking a week off of all of my bands to not sleep. XD #gametime
Fucking sweet! I've been wanting to play again but haven't had the cash! Thanks NCSoft!
@ChaosProxy: You know, it's strange, but I was kind of thinking the same thing throughout the trailer. Things didn't seem as polished as they had before in earlier screenshots/trailers.
Haha! That was awesome!
Fuck these RE movies, why can't they just stick to source material? Can we get an original RE here? Jill Valentine wandering around the Mansion? Come on Hollywod, it ain't that hard.
Sticking with WoW this weekend, getting my new Death Knight and my Pally up to the mid 60's
That was a beautiful and heartwarming article, sure as hell made my day. Thanks!
I'll be going to check out the Santa Monica location, should be interesting, hit me up at if a bunch of you wanna sync up at the same time down there.
She was just playing out on Hollywood Blvd. in front of the Highland mall, was wondering where that bruise came from.
@Garro: I believe that's a male Asari, which should be physically impossible, but there are a lot of unexplained things in the Mass Effect universe, even after going through the game asking about everything, there are a lot of things that we don't know about still.
No Zelda, very lame! The show was sub-par, and slightly better than Ubisofts show, but not that much better. I am very disappointed. Here's to hoping Sony does better.