
In fact only trust dickheads, your life will suck more but it won’t be boring.

Played a similar game against 3 D’vas and 5 support and we actually slowly whittled down their tanks but then I love playing Mystery Heroes because Fuck the current Meta.

Oh I have one of those. Love it to bits.

My mums famous chocolate brownies turned out to be not even a package mix but frozen ones she’d hide inside a box for veggie burgers knowing us kids would never look in there. I felt so betrayed the day I found the box in the bin.

I’ve worked in accounting & bookkeeping for years. You don’t have to send people to jail for $90, there are a vast sea of debt collection options before that. But hey you showed them, ruined their life & still didn’t get your $90 bucks.

/r/wholesomememes for when the world seems a little too mean & I need reminding it’s not all bad.


Translation. If you’re poor don’t do anything.

Is that thing going to save the life of a beloved family member or pet?

Their flat keyed nonergonimic, hard to type on with fingernails that stick out even 1mm, useless to a touchtyper keyboards. Yes your keyboard looks minimalist as hell but I like to have a separate numerical entry pad as I do a lot of spreadsheet data entry & I like to type fast. Same reason I hate 99% of laptop

I got the opposite problem, for starters they talked to my husband the whole time when i was the one buying the car. Then tried every high pressure sales technique in the book, hell he was still ringing us 6 months after we visited the lot still trying to sells us a Subaru and had been clearly told that I’d bought

I was once under twilight anesthetic for a procedure that involved a camera down my throat into my stomach area. I was obviously more twilight than I should have been as I woke up enough to swing a punch at the doctor & try to rip the tube out in panic. They put me under deeper and then continued. I then came too in

Your jeans fronts are probably more gross than anything you find in the bathroom. The surface is kept nice & warm from your body heat, unless you’re one of the few people that wash their jeans after every use stuff is building up on them, food drops down there, dogs jump up on laps. Hell wiping yourself down after

Nah most of us use it because they smell good. Or ironically to hide the in smell of the cat litter box in my case.

Trouble is those politicians would see this as the system working because she got the care so what is she complaining about. Not realizing that there are thousands of people out there that don’t get this level of care when they get sick. I’ve been seriously ill in both the USA & Australia. Only in one of the countries

Not watching him. He is all about the ratings, I’m not giving him any. Also if I want to watch idiots talking about shit they don’t understand & lying about what they do I’ll talk to his supporters.

Don’t leave me sitting here lingering over a bunch of dirty plates & I won’t stack them to get them out of my way so I can relax with my drink & talk to the people I’m dining with.

Get over yourself. Seriously. Take a good long look at yourself in the mirror then get over yourself. No a single damn thing bad thing in your life has happened because you’re white. They may well have happened because you are self entitled douche nozzle, but none of that has to do with your skin color.

Have 2 small non chihuahua type dogs. The amount of body heat those guys can pump out is amazing. Hubby & I grab one each & a super fluffy comforter & we can ride out any cold nights. Also Hubby pumps out heat like a furnace so I can always hug him if the dog proves to lacking in heat output.