yep girl not able to orgasm while having sex with you totally her fault
yep girl not able to orgasm while having sex with you totally her fault
shopsins did a sandwich version first. and it's in new york so yayyyyy. they have mac n cheese pancakes, that they use as a sandwich to hold in the bacon/egg/maple syrup
wow fuck this guy he probably has a twitter account that has eagles and a rifle and mentions his favorite football team and how much he loves god and his kids but not his wife b/c shes a cunt too
i drink lagavulin and macallan does that mean im a mix of joel mchale and ron swanson
mezcal is really good though
Anyone else think people will get sick of sci-fi fantasy films soon?… I seeing the success of Avengers every studio exec is looking to cash in and we will see sooooooo many carbon copies. Kind of like what happened with the slasher genre/tortureporn genre of saw/etc
villain on Heroes too. At least in the 10 minutes I watched of the show because she was on it
but i want my free abortions NOW
damnit i want my free abortions NOW
This is why there are so many shitty relationships. Guy/girl thinks they are the one that can finally "change" the person and open their eyes/whatnot
my video game team 10 years ago was named Manifest Destiny and back in the day whoever created the "MD" channel first got to be the admin/host and could kick anyone else out and there was another clan with the tag MD in it but since we left our internet on (back when it was dialup) to connect during peak times, we…
the same people that tried to put the seismologists in jail right?
Use sparingly for maximum effect. Enjoy!
ok guys im making a joke sorry i forgot there are guys that think like this making it less obvious. men, amirite ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
9. Angry at Jezebel for posting this hypocritical post
we all saw you not getting the point danny!!!! you can't hide it!!!
I personally believe wolves can't find each other because um, they don't have maps, and I believe their education like such as in Africa and uh, the Iraq, everywhere like, such as and I believe our education over here in the US should help the US er should help South Africa and should help the Iraq and Asian…