
Yes! I have small, narrow shoulders and a big bust. I look like I'm trying to smuggle a three ring circus tent.

Oh good, Small, Medium and Large. The sizing index where nothing fits correctly except t-shirt and pajama pants.

It's just SO AWESOME how many kindhearted individuals have taken time out of what I am sure are their very busy schedules to tell trans folks that they aren't being discriminated against and that they don't need to concern themselves with the horrible treatment they've suffered at the hands of government agents. We

It's unfortunate that these people were treated poorly for being trans, rather than too fat to fly... then maybe some of you morons would actually give a shit.

Wow. Just wow. The transphobia is strong in this thread.

I'm confused. Being nasty is supposed to be... inspiring? I don't think that word means what you think it means.

As would I.

Most recruiters look at my linked in profile, see my more than 20 years experience as a graphic designer and then send me job offers as insurance salesmen.

Dunno I get her being angry but I don't get that as an insult. If she called them lady photoshoppers that would have been much better.

True. The tiger always looks super over it too. Like they know that the guy is just going to use their pic to try and get laid via an iPhone app. Tigers are wise like that.

I read somewhere that vodka is, literally, little water in russian. Water in russian is voda, vodka is the diminutive.

Thank you. All of this pope-loving circle jerking makes me want to barf.

Can we please stop pretending that this guy is anything more than the same old brand of bigot with a slightly better PR campaign?

The Pope is not cool. The Catholic church is attempting to appear like they want to drag themselves into the 21st century. But in reality, they still 100% believe in that the world belongs in the 14th century. Beneath it all is the same oppression, misogyny, homophobia, racism and just straight up back-word thinking.


It is not a meal, it is a "journey".

I think the funniest thing of all might be all the butthurt men in here saying that this isn't funny because FOR ONCE they are the butt of a joke.