That soundtrack with all his not-Jimmy Buffet songs. Fucking priceless. God I’ll miss seeing him in new stuff :(
That soundtrack with all his not-Jimmy Buffet songs. Fucking priceless. God I’ll miss seeing him in new stuff :(
It is still a valid argument.
I’m sorry Whitson, but you are wrong on this one. Five Guys cajun fries > all.
Maybe not my favorite, but I do love “The Zeppo”. Great Xander story and the writers manage to poke fun at themselves the entire time.I always watch that one for a laugh.
Another vote for Betrayal. Great game!
One of our cats has some odd tastes. She love lettuce (romaine only), and goes nuts for feta. The only dangerous thing we can’t seem to break her of is plastic grocery bags. She will find those ANYWHERE and just start licking them endlessly. I’ve read they have some sort of corn byproduct in them that animals like...
Yea, it is a pretty odd exclusion in an otherwise nice ecosystem of apps.
For some crazy reason, Lens does not integrate with Office 365 business accounts. It will only let you sign in with a personal account. Deal breaker for me.
Preach it!
Yea, the transcoding alone would probably be too much for the Pi.
So true! I’m very much a novice, but I went through Javascript -> PHP -> Java -> ASP classic (yuck) -> C# books before things really started clicking.
Relevant, today’s PA comic.
Better than Nintendo v. Sega.
Also good for warding off evil spirits and various witchcraft.
I’m currently coordinating an Office 365 pilot program for our agency, and I really wanted to like the Outlook app, but I have just had nothing but problems with it. We’re moving to an MDM solution (Microsoft Intune) and its complete lack of integration is incredibly frustrating.
Love RBF, still see them when they come through town! Though I must say, Suburban Legends was on the ticket for the last show and they were even better.
Brave and the Bold Aquaman is the best Aquaman.
“You sir, have the reddest colon I’ve ever seen!”
I was torn between this and BC, but yea, WotLK was the better of the two.