I vote Spock wearing a first place ribbon from the pie eating contest.
I vote Spock wearing a first place ribbon from the pie eating contest.
GAH indeed.
Be afraid, Krieger is doing exorcisms now.
It really does hit you in the feels.
Jesse's AA meeting leader on Breaking Bad :)
I have not! Sounds good though, I think I will check that out :)
I'd go with Lucifer. The poor guy just wanted a little recognition from dad :P
I was in downtown Detroit a week ago and had the exact same thought!
You can grab an alternate version (from guitar hero ironically) where the levels are much better. Still doesn't fix the fact that it was a terrible album and those guys should have called it a day years ago.
Eh, I dunno, Seven was pretty damn depressing.
So, honest question (based purely out of ignorance) for anyone "in the know." Is SKorea trying to out-Japan Japan, or is it just equally crazy as far as television goes?
Love Popeye's. Dat spicy chicken... MMMMMMMMM
Titan orbits Saturn, not Jupiter :P
For some (or even most, perhaps), but damn, I can still play Mario 64 for hours :)
Oh no, not you Meredith. I meant the article you linked to.
Slap a chainsaw on the end of each, then reps bro
Wow, that review is pretty harsh. Its not the greatest movie of all time or anything, but I always found it entertaining.
Sigh. Yea, guilty as well.
I enjoyed this video that was in the Alan Wake game. Kind of a parody of the Twilight Zone, it was a twisted little tale having to do with testing that quantum suicide thing.