Had this once a few years ago and my biggest mistake was I opened it at lunch time. It was way too complex for me being so early in the day. Need to give it another try.
Six Point went to smaller cans and six packs for their standards recently. Really going to miss the larger Bengali Tiger cans.
because Die Hard is one of the best Christmas flicks. Cmon when you hear that Christmas song that is used when the safe opens, you ddon'tthink of Die Hard?
CMON no Pumpkin Head?
Was the Bear Cat ever brought in? Haven't seen it an any videos. That's what the rioters wanted I imagine. If I was still in college I would have been all like Bear Cat or GTFO all night long.
Barnwell's are pretty boring. He seems to know shit and all but there is no flair.
and moderation a pumpkin candle is fine. But for fuck sake the whole deal does need to chill out.
Pumpkin pie is good. Pumpkin beer is bad. Pumpkin latte's can go fuck themselves.
In High School and early college my MO was to barf after the first beer without any warning. Was never a big deal, it never turned my stomach and I could drink immediately after but I never had any warning time. So Junior year in High School my friends mom decided to be cool and cooked 6-8 of us a pasta dinner and let…
A lot of people have been OD'ing in NH on "Spice" and it's been all over the news. This makes perfect sense.
My buddies and I shared a 4 pack of this 2 weeks ago and it was good but I'm siding with you where it probably wasn't necessary. My first reaction to it was for fuck sake were now into triples on the way to quads... If it wasn't the fact that it was Green Flash I probably would have been like fuck that shit.
Have you ever gone to the Boston Beer fest that Beer Advocate and Harpoon put on in June? Good time, there are about 200 brewers with 70% being local. ''They are doing a new one in March (I think this varient just started last year) where it's the EXTREME beer festival.
The bottle opener is awesome.
I was so damn curious about this beer. Their ale is essentially 40 oz swill and I stared at it in the store just saying "really an IPA"?!? Still don't know if i will bother to try but it's nice to know it wasn't a complete joke. At least it wasn'ta "session". Getting tired of this pretentious session BS
You are such an a-hole troller. Everyone knows 8 is best and 7 is worst. For fuck sake 7 ate 9...
I played a couple rounds of multi last night and these level 24's were sending these crazy lightning strikes and other wild things that my crappy grenade just cant compete with. I did much better because I camped behind my teammates and kept taking people out but there are still balance issues with it. I wish they…
Working on 3 characters with my son and our highest is a level 8 Titan. The game just tries to do too much but not enough in their respective areas. Since it's a MMO I was hoping to be able to craft weapons or have some sort of economy and it's not there. The game looks beautiful and the shooting mechanics are what…
I agree with McGibblets. Having two kids I do 3 slices across 2 sandwiches. If only one kid is around I put 2 in.