I’m starring this just for “atrabilious.” The rest of the article was good - that was downright notable.
I’m starring this just for “atrabilious.” The rest of the article was good - that was downright notable.
Doggone it, Flash! Them Duke boys dunnit ag’in!
Cheap-ass OEM gauge manufacturers, I’m guessing.
+1 for listening to The Flophouse podcast.
I work with a dude who managed to buy a retired cop Crown Vic with the sirens and floodlight intact (no light bars, though). Basically it’s got all the cop goodies minus the lights and laptop stands. That dude never sits in traffic.
Yeah, it’s called “your thirties,” you little whippersnapper.
Neal Stephenson wrote about “Fuck-You Money” in Cryptonomicon. Avi Halabi kept a live spreadsheet pinned to several major world monetary markets and other fiscal indicators in order to calculate a precise, running value for FYM at any given moment.
Do you feel better now, Drew?
I’m taking charge of Jalopnik’s inexplicably successful defense technology blog
Why are there busses on that race track in the video? Oh, Japan....
Huh, yesterday morning I was buzzed in the late morning (around 11:30) by a C-130 moving VERY fast down low, <1000', over my home - I’m close to the MA/NY border. It came by so low and so quickly that I didn’t hear it approach until it was almost over the house - didn’t have the time/foresight to grab the camera.
Really just a two-word review.
Thanks, I’m just gonna take the rest of the day. Solid effort today people, but Watchdevil was the star of this show.
Hey, there ARE valid uses for that sort of setup.
This tech investor argues that one of the reasons the Model 3 has a gargantuan ass hole is to enable robots to handle the entirety of the assembly process. A large aperture in the vehicle (combined with a platform designed from the outset to be machine-friendly during assembly) means that robot arms don’t have to work…
Before the camera turns to show the driver, you can almost convince yourself it’s Mac and Charlie from Almost Sunny... in that car.
Tesla just put a Supercharger in the parking lot of a supermarket in western MA. It’s near where I live, and there’s wall-to-wall-fuck-all to do right there. Just a middling supermarket with free WiFi in their crummy little cafe.
Only clearheaded straight-shooter Roger Goodell can get to the bottom of this mystery!!