i use my rear brakes all the time - imagine trying to ride uphill in stop and go San Francisco traffic, without the availability of rear brakes to hold you while you let off the front?
i use my rear brakes all the time - imagine trying to ride uphill in stop and go San Francisco traffic, without the availability of rear brakes to hold you while you let off the front?
...i dunno how I missed that booth at the career fair...
i'll have to disagree on making a wrong turn at a base - on oahu anyway (probably not the case in many states), you can turn down what looks like a residential street and endup at a checkpoint gate...
COTD again, wow, did you work for porsche to have these first hand accounts?
speaking of scary - on a socal college campus, there are red handprints painted where women (i suppose, and men) were assulted on campus... it's creepy to find one in the middle two parking spots when you step out of your car...
awww video removed?!? it loaded as i was reading something else, then "video removed by user"...
"...not a soul".
was that really chrome? looking at the lighting doused on teh white cars/shirts, i want to say its chrome...
hahaha thats the most ridiculous thing,…
Or Hawaii....which is surprising actually...
thats nothing. this is known as a STOP sign in Hawaii...
well in hawaii our taxi's are as odd as our cop cars... subaru imprezas, camry's, lexii, prii, crown vics, limos (yes, limo's are at the same fare as taxis, just higher tip), and vans of every brand...
bose headphones.
and whats more, gopro has a scale R/C version that's even smaller and lighter at 4.9oz
usb speakers are so passe... might as well up the ante and go bluetooth (jambox, clarity, fox lv etc) so it's more universally useable...
my 2m6 - it's body is beat but sounds perfect... unfortunately known often as the eternal chick car
my tip to all riders since i'm a rider myself and this is one of my biggest worries among many:
my comments hardly ever post. why even post at all?
i continue to maintain that hawaii's not part of the US - which is why we got our delivery earlier this week...
ive been waiting all day to use this...