@BtheD19: /off topic, but i have to know more about those wheels... omgwant on my ride... black or bronze plz...
@BtheD19: /off topic, but i have to know more about those wheels... omgwant on my ride... black or bronze plz...
@wiebevandervalk: amazing find! I almost forgot about my blue porsche 911 darda car i had... that thing could wind up for dayyyyys...
@Maxx Cracker — sponsored by Peniston Oils: i really really (really) want him to play "Sah00di's in Au00di's" and do that again... someone dub it please!!
@snap_understeer_ftw: or the VXR Estate. or both.
@Mazarin: when i saw this news tip, being indian, i had to think- seriously? (like what you thought), but LoganSix pointed it out correct - it's easier to get trampled over than run into by a car...because there are so many people. everywhere. especially in crowded areas. (looking for a pic of Raunak Bazar in Punjab…
so to be clear (i read all the comments, no mention of this)
and then they neeeeeeed to hook it up on sprint - or at least i'll have to find a way to get it unlocked for sprint.
@diskreet: wicked. Me too.
@Hoon_a_TC: i lol'd. :)
@Fast_Nel: THIS.
@James K Polk, Napoleon of the South: sure it's an old meme, nonetheless, #cotdnominations
considering the rarity of a 5spd it's already NP - but to add to how much i love this thing; my cousin had one years ago (an auto) but it did everything, in smooth-riding-style.... we scuba'd, biked, camped, kayaked ... and changed clothes in the comfort of a single sliding door (no room for antics lol)... all in all,…
@alexander_the_car_salamander: Nice Cars + AssHat Drivers... I don't know why or how...
or you could get those paper cd-sleeves with the clear plastic window - that's what im coloring/cutting up right now...
@willyolio: thanks for the laughs, that made my morning lol
was that.... a video..within a video??!
@dorkspeed: agreed with you - wasn't there something in the handbook of general knowledge that says - if brakes can't stop a car (ebrake or otherwise), then turn off the key and roll to a stop? i know you'd lose powersteering etc, but that doesnt mean it stops working, it means you need to man up and steer...? right?
@Leaaky: very true, that seems to be the constant trip up for all kit car makers (and most often than not, fiero kitters... i would know, ive got a bone stock v6 fiero SE and i'll never put shabby wheels on a fieroghini if i want it to work)...
Well of COURSE hawaii's not in this... it's not really a part of the United States anyway.