
moo ~


Any game that involves yelling "MY BODY IS READY" has me in, no questions asked.

Has a gay guy i totally see this kind of game being known in the gay community.

Fuck this thing. all the way to hell.

BAHAHA YES BOSTON! This needs to be an achievement in the game

Hi, Im Francisco. CEO of Nebula Vaping. We are making the final pricing and spec announcement on Friday, along with the launch of our webshop. If you guys have any questions, drop us a line on Facebook

Anxiously awaiting the comment sections from our wonderful community here at Kotaku. Looked like things were pretty civil though over at the PA op.


I haven't had a regular cigarette in nearly two months, thanks to vaping. Slowly cutting back on my nicotine, enjoying stupid flavors, and spending a lot of money on mods so it looks like I a smoking a sonic screwdriver. YAY!

I won't talk specific moments, but games that have.

Xenosaga Episode I-III
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy VIII
Final Fantasy IX
Final Fantasy X
Final Fantasy X-2
Final Fantasy XIII
Final Fantasy Tactics
Metal Gear Solid 4 (Basically any MG game, but 4 especially)
Castlevania Lords of Shadow
Halo 3
Halo Reach - In a bad way. I

SM adventure as just an allegory for cancer fight. The princess is in another castle - you have to go to another batch of chemo...

I'm wondering if the 'it looks like a faggot burger. but dry' comment that was here for a few minutes was banned for the wrong reason.

Not sure where you got those statistics from, but there's at least 11 of us now that I bought my Zelda Windwaker HD Deluxe Bunduru a few weeks ago.

I had a run in with the same person's comments... I believe.

One of the SpotPass responses I get when I take my 3DS to the high school I teach at is "My dad is a douche".

If being a Wii U owner is the equivalent of being a decent human being, then I am proud to have bought my Wii U at launch.

Miiverse responses-