

Still very suspicious when your dick is out.

You got Nippon Ichi Software in my Atlus, but would that really be a bad thing?

Man, you weren't kidding. Those few minutes where the chat window was visible were like gazing into the demon realm.

I know most people are like "Awww the PS3? Why no PS4?"

Wow I hope this doesn't end badly.

I know this should be okay. Change is good right? But I can't help but feel like someone took the last cookie.

Medic too stronk. Valve pls nurf

I wonder which will come first, HL3 or a TF2 update that isn't filled with bugs.

Same architect.

I bet that's how they found David Carradine..

Damn, is this really the crowd in Forza 5? This is sad.

Bushy eyebrows, small eyes.

You must be fun at parties. And space ports. :/

We were all thinking it.