
I just beat P3P about a week ago, and I have had nothing to play, and I just finished school today. A couple hours ago I realized I have a whole summer ahead of me, and this is my first summer in 4 years that I haven't had a JRPG to get me through the summer. Unacceptable. So, in my desparation I just picked up

Picked up persona 4 after beating P3P. Problem is, I don't have a ps2 yet. I have to work a few hours before going out to buy it. Any other timeless PS2 games I should pick up?

I'm surprised to se nobody mention Final Fantasy Type-0 HD on the vita. I'm afraid that we'll never see it stateside, if not on the vita...

It's a remix of "Twisted Nerve".

It's the best for how amazingly horrible it is. I totally don't find this sexually attractive at all. Nope. Not one bit.

I saw this about a two weeks ago and fell in love. Seriously, best video ever.

We would call that ign, I believe.

I consider it a hodgepodge of delicious video game related stew. Sometimes, though, the stew has a chunk of mystery meat that probably shouldn't be in it. This article is that mystery meat.


So, this is what qualifies as news now on Kotaku... v_v

I was thinking the same thing ;_;

Thank you, Bioware, for not rewarding people for their whining.

As far as I know, type 0 got fairly good reviews, don't listen to Bubbleman.

Right now I'm kicking myself for selling my PSP to get the vita. I miss my PSone classics.

I have never played FFIX, and I bought a god damn vita so I could play it on that magnificent portable screen along with all of my other favorite RPGs. Sony really needs to step it up.

I just put Bayonetta, Tales, and Kid Icarus on my list of games to play. As soon as I get some spare cash, I'll pick them up. Thanks for the help~

Alright Kotakuites, I need your help. Summer is coming up, and I'm fresh out of console games to play. Around this time of year, I usually tend to play games that remind me of summer. By this, I mean they have bright color schemes, and they don't tend to take themselves too seriously. By this, I mean games such as

Koticku. Enough said.

Same here ;_;

I was looking forward to playing it, but alas... I only have a vita. Sony needs to get phone classics up on the vita :/