
Wait, kotaku actually take Jim Sterling's reviews seriously?

I honestly don't know why MLP fans feel the need to bring their fandom into everything else they do. I mean, sure, they like MLP, I understand that. But is it really necessary for people to change their forum name from ExDeath to ~~xXCelestiaTwilightSparkleXx~, and replace their profile pic with their favorite pony?

I've been a reader of Kotaku for a long time, and I don't comment often, but I've seen enough of him to know that while I may not always agree with him, I always like listening to what his opinion is. He contributes a lot to discussions, but mainly plays the role of the critic. While he may always seem like a debbie

I;m a tad excited by the vita announcements today, but I'm a bit disappointed to not see an HD Type-0 International come up. It is almost inevitable, but, alas... Maybe at E3.

Type-0 HD is the reason I bought a vita.

I tried the demo, and had no idea what I was doing, but I sure as hell loved the beat xD

It was kind of odd giving up my Wii, I'll admit. In the sixth grade, I slept outside the store in below 0 conditions in Minnesota to get it at launch just so I could play Twilight Princess. My dad still won't let me live it down for dragging him out there.I kept a few of the best games for wii, and the controllers for

So, I got a PS VITA last night, and ended up selling my wii so I could afford a decent memory card for it. I'm not sure what sony was thinking with the memory cards, but they sure as hell have my money.

So, I bought a vita and uncharted. Having fun, though missing my psone classics.

Either Wind Waker, FFVII, or FFXIII.

I'm in tears right now. Thank you for sharing that xD

Yes. This times 10000.

I'm promising myself a shiny new vita if I work all of tonight on schoolwork. And I must admit, it does look like one hell of a handheld.

Holy wall of text!

I think FFXIII-2 was meant to be an experimental game between two bookends of a trilogy. It kind of makes me mad, but at the same time, I can't wait for XIII-3. I just hope, you know they don't fuck over the plot in XIII-3 like they did with this one. The plot was the only way this game could go wrong, and it flopped

I was going to pick up a PSvita at launch, but I had never owned a smart phone, and bought a Razr instead. After having some hands on with the vita the other day at best buy, I am really regretting my decision for holding out on it. The screen is absolutely gorgeous, and it felt so... I don't know how to describe it,

I'm sure you mean the smoke coming from Square Enix right now is because they're totally on fire with all of their great releases lately.

I totally thought this game would eventually be about getting together the old characters, then interfering with what happened in the past with the war of transgression, the purge, the siege of Eden, killing orphan etc, and sneaking around while the last game's story unfolded a la harry potter and the prisoner of

I haven't heard any hate on XIII-2, other then hate on the ending. This is good news my book. I've always been happy with what squenix has given me, and it really saddened me to see a lot of people upset with them. I like FFXIII-2 so far. Problem is, I loved XIII. Something just feels wrong. The thing that made XIII

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