
I have looked into the SOPA bill in depth, and I can understand the cause for concern some people have. However, I think people are putting on their tin foil hats for nothing. I do not believe that the government would take action to shut down sites, such as reddit or youtube. I couldn't help but smirk the other day

I actually support SOPA.

This. This all the way.

That #16... Whoever did that is a fucking genius. They must get all the bitches.

Fun story- I played resident evil for the first time last night and got a bit on edge playing it. I woke up in the middle of the night and was shocked to find that I couldn't move any part of my body. I was half asleep, half awake, and it was terrifying as fuck for around 15 seconds. Not sure if there is any

I agree with this. People on this site have way too much of a negativity bias.

Last night, I got off of Kotaku and went to bed. As I was lying there, I was a bit miffed because I had just read an article on FFXIII-2, and people were still going on because they had a hate boner for the first game. I mean, I can understand why some longtime fans didn't like it, but it really wasn't unplayable. It

The real problem here is that people bitch too much. The end.

Tales Of The Abyss 3DS. It is a remake of a PS2 game, and looks like a fun rpg. Despite looking only slightly better than the ps2's graphics, I'll give it a shot.

Well, that was unexpected. They really didn't give us much of a warning. RE:R, FFXII-2 Collector's edition, Tales, and this? Anyone have a spare wallet I could borrow?

I agree with you there. Personally, given the polish it has, it should be given the title of FFXV. I expect it will come out with the next few years, so at least we have 13-2 to tide us over. In the meantime, I'm trying not to spoil myself on any details to keep the first time I crack it open as fresh as possible.

Don't have unrealistically high hopes. Remember where that got fanboys with XIII, no?

Past FF fans won't give the 13-2 demo a chance... I told them to based on the fact that it improves on the formula, and is said to be an overall improvement, but they have their nostalgia glasses on way too hard and will not see that no game will be "The Next FF(Insert favorite ff title here)", but they are pussies!

I would recommend getting XIII. Despite what you may hear some people bitch about here, it is a good game overall. You can get it for a song now, for 20$ new at Best Buy. It is time to start singing.

Okay, let me say what I liked about it.

This. I agree.

I could not have summed it up better. Square may seem like it is being ran by a tribe of monkeys, but they know how to run a company, and dammit, they have my sale.

Someone has their nostalgia goggles on way too tight.

You are not the only one. People are just having way too high expectations. Square, and Square-Enix have made many amazing games. The only problem is, people bitch too much.

On of the things that I've found in my wise 16 years of age, is that if you go into a game thinking that it will suck, it will most likely suck to you.