
Herp, my bad. IIRC, kotaku made the same mistake a bit ago, so it is excusable :U

On of the things that I've found in my wise 16 years of age, is that if you go into a game thinking that it will suck, it will most likely suck to you.

Actually, that is a good thing to do. I'm expecting an okay/great game, not a magical next FF7. And if it is better than great, awesome. Square enix, to me, has never made a bad game. They have strayed out of making awesome games, and have started making okay ones. But, with a little optimism and a dab of anti

I agree with you completely. It will be a good game, and that is all I am expecting of it.

I agree with you there. I wish I could forget everything I know about xiii-2 so it feels fresh to me when I first play it, but supposedly there are invisible depths in how deep the story goes, so I doubt SE has even spoiled the slightest bit of it. Except a few death scenes I saw in the trailers. Seriously, they need

Oh, you.

On of the things that I've found in my wise 16 years of age, is that if you go into a game thinking that it will suck, it will most likely suck to you.

You can't possibly be serious, can you?

Nah, I bet it is a sequel to "The Wand Of Gamelon"

If you go into a game expecting it to be bad, you will likely despise it in the end. Keep an open mind, and good things will come to you.

Here is to hoping that it isn't nearly as excruciating as the source film maker in TF2. Editing on that thing is a mix of cutting, pasting, and praying.

Thanks for the tip, I shall go try it out later ;)

I think the wii U is a great concept. It just needs a few things.

Not their max. They are well into the thousands, but I've been drained of health by the subjucators completely.

This is my first half-assed attempt at a shop contest.

No, you likely wont be lost if you just read the datalog if you get confused. At the beginning you will have a million questions racing through your mind, and the datalog shall answer them.

FFXIII does a wonderful job of introducing people to the series. It was my first FF, and I've been hooked on the series ever since. It personally is one of my favorite game. If you want a good game to play, I suggest getting FFXIII and playing it before XIII-2. You will not be disappointed if you are looking for a

Final Fantasy fans, I require assistance. I picked up FFVIII again this July, and had a great time playing it... Until I recently got to the ragnarok. Squall and Rinoa have literally 200hp a piece, and I can't go into battle without dying. And, on top of that, it is my only save file. I can't get off the damn ship