
Oh god. For me, it is a lot.

I just saw versus XIII on the list. I'm sold.

Thanks for the advice. I would love to hear what games are worth getting for it, if it wouldn't be that much of a trouble.

I was going to say phoenix wright, but then I saw your profile pic.

I am in a bit of a situation, and I am wondering if my fellow Kotakuites can help me out. I have never owned a playstation in my life, aside from the portable. Recently, I have been tempted to pick it up for the uncharted series, and the ability to play ffxiii-2 in higher definition. Then again, I have been extremely

The way I see it is that Square is making good games. And to many, that seems like a problem, because they see their past as "Fantastic Games". Maybe they have their nostalgia goggles on too tight, or perhaps I've traded in my pair for a polly-anna outlook on games, but I just think it is the natural occurring of

I would suggest pre-ordering the collector's edition at Best Buy. You get a fairly good deal for the soundtrack, a book, the game, among other things, in a beautiful case. In addition, you get a FFXIII novella when you preorder at best buy, while the other places just have free DLC.

Now playing

Its out in japan, but not here. Aside from that god awful chocobo rock, it had one of the best FF soundtracks of all time, and I wish it got more love.

I have to somewhat agree with you. XIII was my first final fantasy, and I loved it. It felt magical, and I loved the story. I am an absolute whore for good stories. Then I played 7, and absolutely fell head over heels in love with it. Then I played 13 again, and it felt like... A good game. And that was it. It felt

Thanks for the reassurance.. Though there were a few things that I think they could have left for the main game *cough noel's back-story cough*. Sorry, I coughed. But, whatev. I'm getting the game regardless, but to me, a great story is all this game needs to completely win me over.

Loved XIII, but I'm kind of pissed by square.

I have to leave for Costa Rica at 4:00am on the 23rd D:

I'm betting on DLC, at least. Well played square. Well played. Well, I know I'm buying what is next regardless =P

And now, we do what all 3DS owners do... Wait for the next first party titles to come out :U

Seriously. We don't even have snow in Minnesota.

Now playing

My personal favorite moment in gaming this year? Lanayru mining facility. I really have to give EAD credit on this. From the music to the design, everything seemed perfect. I remember the first time in the room with the timeshift stone, going from that gray, dank, dusty dungeon to a colorful electronic mining

Enjoy Final Fantasy XIII! If I can give you some advice on playing it, don't play it in long sessions. Play a bit, once every couple days to let the story sink in, and don't gorge yourself, and you'll enjoy the game even more.

Well, I, after many years of holding out on a ps3, asked for one this year in conjunction with my birthday. Here is what I got instead.

You, without a doubt, are my favorite troll of all time. You have my utmost respect. May Crecente bless you. Amen.