
Layton's out today. Got my copy, and I couldn't be happier. Any Kotakuites here layton fans?

I nearly passed out laughing at #10. Major props to Laodicea-Dude.

And it only costs 300 MS points!

@Toshi: Can't agree more. Spending money on a few pixels in your computer is just plain stupid. Let's not forget the kid who blew $1400 on farmville with his mom's credit card =/

Ugh. I find it sickening how people pay for in game items. These companys just thrive on losers with nothing better to do.

@Skylarscar: Err, no. They're a predatory business that set up shop in small towns, destroying all competition (Think Buy n' Large). They're only going to get larger. Plus, have you ever been in a Walmart? I wouldn't set foot in one if the 3DS was out there today, in fear of how unsanitary the store and the people who

Damn. That looks awesome. Though, if it's only at walmart, which there is a chance it is, I'm not getting it. Don't start me on Globalism.

Gyakuten Kenji (Ace Attorney Investigations) 2. All I need is a release date for the Japanese version, and I'll be happy.

Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to decieve~

Pre-ordered. Fuck yeah, I'm ready for puzzles.

@WrongThinker: I wasn't talking about hieght, rather how wrinkled and compact his face is.

Am I the only one who finds it hilarious that he looks like a dwarf IRL as well?

@BubbleF**kingBuddy: It's really strangely heartwarming to see /b/ do something good. Even if it's sarcastic or not, it's surely nice of them to boost a child's confidence.

And what happens, exactly, if more than one person is using this technique?

@jim_error404: I get where you're coming from. I mean, it's a HUGE release, and they're not releasing it on the psp go. I mean, the psp go is a slick piece of machinery, and I would buy one... Except for the fact that it has no UMD drive. I mean, it gets the job done, but come on. Don't worry, though. I'm sure you'll

@Chestnut Bowl: Kay, or as I know her, Mikumo (Only played Japanese Version). She's awesome, peppy, anda perfect dramatic foil of Edgeworth. Can't wait for AAI2. Also, lol, no mention of Trucy.

@jim_error404: It's your fault for getting a freaking PSP go. You should have known what you were getting yourself into =/

@Jouen: I can't imagine that anyone can possibly fit in that... Grah. I threw up in my mouth a bit.

Kevin Butler has spoken. Must... Buy... Ps3.

@Aideh: I'd rather have less fumbly controls, being that I play all PC games on my 70 inch TV. I don't want to use my fumbly, poorly designed keypad while playing TF2. Seriously, it's horrible. Keys missing, sticky keys, not to mention my mouse that dies ever five seconds.