
@Boldizzle: Pfft. That's nevr worked for PC shooters, and never will xD

I'm still butthurt about the Tf2 updates for 360. Fuck it, I'm getting it on steam, even if the controls suck.

@icarus212001: I frequent Canada, and trust me, they do exist. And in large numbers.

I think I threw up in my mouth a bit...

This deserves the biggest Da'aw~ ever.

Isn't there a chance that this game could completely suck? I mean, it is a third party game made by Disney.

Gyakuten Kenji (Ace Attorney Investigations) 2! Fuck yeah!

Nazis? This looks like a job for Brad Pitt.

@Xurkey: I know. I mean, it's sad that that small thing has that processing power superior to the wii. I love Nintendo, but they need to seriously learn a lesson or two about graphics.

Two words:

Check out those graphics! The wii should be jealous

If there's one thing bad about FFXIII, it's the haters. Well, haters gonna hate.

Now you can keep track of all your shovelware apps! Brilliant! *yawns*

"My child could dominate your child in Team Fortress 2"

I bet you it's a cat. With poison. Or, wait, is it dead? Wait, no, it's alive until you open the... Damn. I hate physics.

@AerithLovesTifa: Just going to add one thing to that list: Fang. 'Nuff said.

@ethic: I have. And I can honestly say it sucks. Horribly.