
Over privileged crybaby. Get over it.

You are one to talk...You like that shitty anime with the Yo Yo Yo pirate rap.

NaruSaku has been building up for years, for Kishi to ignore all of that would be total bullshit. Hinata is almost never around. Plus Naruto doesn't love her. He loves Sakura. You would think that Sakura would eventually learn to love Naruto in return because that's the pairing that has been advertised for YEARS!

Avatar is an anime wannabe. A fake. Plus it's terrible.

Can anyone tell me what the product ID number stamped on shiny eevee capsule is? I really want to find it without having to buy alot.

Very good. Glad to see that someone besides myself acknowledge the Japanese names. As for all you idiots commenting, how is he a weeaboo? Those are indeed real names developed for the Pokemon and the people in the games and in the anime. Gen 1 starters are: Hitokage, Zenigame, and Fushigidane.


I threw it out back then my lovely Pitbull took a shit on it. Enjoy.

You find one bad apple in our fandom and assume we are all like that....way to go retard...why don't you go take your medication and put back on your helmet and have your handler strap you into your wheelchair. Then proceed to continuously bang your head into the wall.

Have you even tried wearing a fursuit for more than five seconds? It becomes over one hundred degrees within seconds....

You are a fucking idiot :3

A true man enjoys his interests without giving a fuck what people think. I'm a woman and a proud girlfriend of a man who is both a Brony and a Furry. I myself am a Pegasister and a Furry. It takes real balls for a man to buy pony figures. I applaud Bronies. Also, just so everyone knows G1 (Generation 1) is the best