
Umm... If Blizzard didn’t like this... I can only imagine their reaction to (VERY NSFW) Hint: Their first video was centered around Overwatch...

Great work! I’m going to try to do the same thing.

The snap feature can be very useful... The best example is with Twitch. While the game is loading in, I’ll snap the Twitch app and setup my live stream.

I have the BL680A — it’s is amazing not only for smoothies, but also as a food processor for making pizza and bread dough. I use it pretty much every day for something.

I have the BL680A — it’s is amazing not only for smoothies, but also as a food processor for making pizza and bread

By the way... they haven’t (technically) left the series... They still have Porsche which is just another brand under the same umbrella company. They have spent the last three years competing with themselves (which means they spend twice as much money to compete in intramural sports).

Is it me or (at least in this pic) doesn’t this guy look like a young Jason Lee?

I’m sorry folks but if Trump’s best defender for his actions is Curt Schilling? He’s fucked.

I think they are getting what they wanted. Attention for the issues they want to call attention to.

Why do you think they are reporting on it?

But people are... which is why it is newsworthy, hence the reason there is an article in the first place.


But complaining about it is...

Oh that made me laugh — thank you!

Who cares?? When did freedom of speech become so scrutinized? This is truly ridiculous. Either you are for the First Amendment or you are not, there is no grey area.

Any chance this could be CTE related?

Now playing

Here are a couple of my favorite stunts I managed to pull off (while still racing):

I have a funny feeling that if you don’t want one because of the ‘oppressive’ constraints... someone else will buy it and take your place in line.

Now playing

This is the only thing I could think of after watching this video...

Sorry for trying to put a little common sense into an article on here but... Why doesn’t he just put the cars in question IN the two car garage they are parked in front of?

Welcome to the Olympics on NBC. At least the online app on Xbox One (and others I’m sure too) has had coverage of pretty much everything — including Sailing for once!