
Thank you for that somewhat racist comment.

I work in a male dominated enviroment where the word “gay” is used in just about every other sentence. Needless to say moving from Austin to OKC was quite a transition. People look at you like you’re the anti-christ for admitting you like cats as well as dogs. I have a dog too. My favorite story from one of my

That should be the point of a sequel though. It should improve upon the original game. Obviously you don't think it did... Well that's just your opinion, man.

Can't imagine a few LED's draining the battery significantly.

They do not make 64 million in one year it's spread out through their contract.

There's more guns in the US than there are people. Changing the 2nd Amendment is not going to fix that. My brother shot himself in 2003 with a gun he got from a "friend". I despise guns but I do not see them as the problem. The problem is what the author of this article said. Mental health, the thing no one wants to

From their website. This game is not going to be in space and the focus seems to be around multiplayer.