If that was the case, maybe they shouldn’t have announced the next God of War as coming out this year, even though the pandemic had already started several months before they announced that?
If that was the case, maybe they shouldn’t have announced the next God of War as coming out this year, even though the pandemic had already started several months before they announced that?
I had my expectations pretty low, but this was worse than the last Nintendo Direct. Is this an indication that COVID impacted development far more than we previously thought? 2020 was supposed to be the relatively dry year because developers were holding out and releasing games for PS5 in 2021 and 2022, but it looks…
A 100, 10/10, A+, or 5 stars has never, and will never mean, perfect. It is simply the highest rating the reviewer can give.
I’ve seen a lot of reviewers compare the story to a movie, sure, but it isn’t a movie. The second half of the game would be far less impactful as just a cutscene or a few episodes of television, because being forced into playing that situation is supposed to (and did for me) impart more empathy than if you had just…
There’s always the possibility of DLC. Can’t expect them to continuously provide free content updates forever.
I think you’re the only one that’s disappointed by this update.
Leaving off the Breath of the Wild Switch Reveal trailer and the Super Mario Odyssey E3 trailer is egregious. Two of the best trailers of the decade and better yet, they showed practically all gameplay! The BotW trailer still has some of the best music of anything to come out of a game ever.
Anyone who says that Ultimate isn’t a real fighting game needs to have their head checked. That was some of the craziest shit I’ve ever watched at EVO. Down 2-0, 3 stocks to 1 and Leo comes back to take it all. Best in the world right there.
Phew, glad I didn’t have to be the one to be a pedantic asshole today.
In the Seagull stream, one of the devs stated that Sigma was made specifically with the 2-2-2 team in mind, so he should be a lot more balanced in competitive without a GOATS comp adding him in the mix. More importantly he seems to synergize really well with Baptiste and some of the lesser played DPS heroes which…
I guess I’m one of the few that didn’t really like the movie. I guess I’ll start with some of the things I did like:
I had no problem with him when I first watched it, and was baffled when I went online and saw people asking for something different. I could almost feel my own original opinion changing due to what I was reading, and I think much of it is the circle jerk affecting people’s opinions online.
Just a heads up, Mario Maker is likely not going to go on sale for quite a while. It’s one of those evergreen Nintendo titles that will only go on sale for maybe 10% at most. But as a second heads up, I only ever played other people’s levels in the original and had a blast.
“Since I only play it occasionally I need to relearn every damn floor to make sure I have enough time for the new floor.”
Cool story bro. *buys another Pro Controller*
Cool story bro. *buys another Pro Controller*
After seeing nothing but hate in the comments section on a lot of sites, I gotta say I’m pretty stoked by what we’ve seen. Good doggo legendaries, an open world core, raid battles against giant pokemon, and a really interesting looking design to the towns has me hyped.
They’re almost entirely different games.
“Stuff like Rey’s parentage and all that aren’t important to the overall plot” is something that can only be said after the fact. At the time, there was no telling where that might go, and certainly parentage can be a significant factor in any story if the writer wants it to be. The prequels only had strong momentum…
Uh, I think the true counter argument would be the Prequels. As horrible as they are, they had some incredible world building and expanded on the OT in fantastic ways.