Within the first chapter he says the most sundown towns are in the Midwest and not in the South like many are led to believe.
Within the first chapter he says the most sundown towns are in the Midwest and not in the South like many are led to believe.
I don't understand all the questions about how to take this... it's her life. It's OK for it to be morally ambiguous. I interpret it as a child taking an empowering action against an abusive and inappropriate adult but you, reader, can interpret it however you like.
I would love to read a follow-up to this too.
But there's a comma splice! It renders it completely and utterly incomprehensible to me. I am a special snowflake. Etc.
Yep. Yeah, totally the appropriate response to this piece. Definitely.
You're probably right...and still quite creepy. He probably did it on purpose. 'Ha ha', he thought deviously, 'I'm gonna sleep naked, and rest my junk on her back pack.'
I just wish people would stop reshopping that old 2008 article about the Walmart employee getting trampled in Long Island. We have enough sad, pitiful, and disgusting stories now to be "entertained" by.
This is insanity. Who the hell needs a tv this badly? Isn't like, 98% of homes in America have at least one tv already? Why do we need to go Hunger Games style to get another one?
If a threesome doesn't occur spontaneously, it's bound to disappoint.
I had butternut squash risotto, which does not photograph well, but it tastes pretty damned good. At home, by myself, because this year I'm refusing to drive 2.5 hours one way to hear about how bad Obama is. (I had another invite too and said no. I'm not entirely pathetic. Just feeling reclusive and content about it).
I know, right? It's sad. The bread is even stale.
I chalk it up to my immaturity. But I too roll my eyes when I am told what and who to embrace/like.
I feel like that borders on shaming. J-Law Imaginary Friend Shaming. Which is the worst kind of shaming.
Seriously. I have nothing against Jennifer Lawrence but I also don't see why she should be my imaginary best friend. Also, stop telling me who my BFF is. Also, stop saying BFF! Christ almighty, we're not 12 years old here.
Well, if it makes you feel better there'll be a massive backlash in a year or two.
"This community has suffered a great deal,"
Only singer that has ever made me bawl is Adele. Beyonce doesn't seem to have the same kind of authenticity and depth shining through her songs, although her voice is certainly pretty.
Hmm...no mention today of the NYC waitress who turned out to be a disgusting liar? Allow me.