
For the last time, advocate for those other jobs to get a raise. It seems that you begrudge a livable wage. Most of all, you begrudge women a livable wage, since most fast food workers are women.

I’m not a fast food worker nor have I’ve been one for more than a few days when I was younger, but let’s attempt to empathize a bit. For whatever reason I must work fast food. What are my hours? My hours are whatever hours assigned to me. On Monday, those hours can be 6:00 AM to 2:00 and Tuesday they can be 4:00

So advocate for nurses and teachers to make more money. Why begrudge fast food workers for wanting a livable wage?

Who says it is not meant to be a career?

I am responding to you because you said this: "It's controversial here, but I agree. I am all for paying nurses, teachers, day laborers, etc. more money, but this is one of the easiest jobs you can have and it does not deserve that much money."

Not everyone is cut out for college. Because a person is not cut out for college shouldn't mean they shouldn't make a livable wage.

I say give them $15 an hour. Maybe it will improve customer service. Fast food has lost my business because the service is so lousy. Actually, I do very little business with take out or eating out because of the service.


I see what the video is trying to do but it does not work for me. For it to feel like a flip I would have to be convinced that the men could not just simply overpower the women. All of these men are fit. For it to work it requires men to willingly submit. The same voluntary vibe does not exist for women in real

Peggy's mom on Mad Men called it. She told Peggy that Abe would use her and then move on to another girl to marry.

As a society, we tend to interpret too literally.

Congratulations. You are almost at the 2 month mark. Way to go!

Thank you for the empathy. It is the reason I can no longer go home. It is too much pain to see the people I know and love resorting to such things. But it is what it is. It is poverty. It is hard to understand when you don't know it. Believe me, the voices on the net are not typically the voices that know this

Wev. I seen it a few times in my life and not once did I think the woman was wrong for doing it. She did what she had to do.

He may have a car, takes you to work that is outside of a bus line, or the electric has to be in his name because you could not pay your last electric and now your name is mud and he threatens to withdraw if he is thrown out, etc. Struggling, really struggling is more complicated than people on the net tend to

If your man is cheap and eats all of your food, lives with you and never pays any bills, I could see using the test to get $750 for an "abortion." People in need have to resort to stuff privilege people can never imagine.

A white man was holding an umbrella for Oprah.

Good. Many cheerleaders only want to wear their uniform so they can use it as a popularity device.