
The Davis at the Lane Museum is a good choice, but most anything that's rounded and bright colored can come off as looking like an Easter egg.


I bet that guy who stuck his face in the scoop felt pretty lucky...and dumb.

And the cheapest 3 spoke alloys from Pep Boys' tire department. Probably sportin' all-season Futuras, too.

I wonder if this is the one that was on NPoCP at my recommendation a couple of years ago. It's the right color. It suddenly went from being probably crack pipe to definitely crack pipe.

Too many miles, too much silly aftermarket. CP!

"Uwe" couldn't build such a beast for less than that. I don't like it too much, but it's not my thing. I still have to say NP.

Is it April 1 again already?

This is an example of why Fiero-raris and Fiero-borghinis always have a substantial stretch in wheelbase. The proportions of this make it look like a Micro Machine.

I wonder if the crank starts an engine or if it winds up a spring.

We can drive it home...with one headlight.

Ring time: 12:08.16, with a tire change.

Ferrari arguably has more substance, a direct result of usually having more money. Lamborghini more than makes up for it by being a triumphant nearly cartoon version of a sports car in an all too real world. It's so extreme in every way that it couldn't be real, except that it is.

I bet he was born in Florida.

Maybe for 12k. Overpriced by 50% is not a good start. Overpriced by 100% is even worse. It'll probably take over a year and perhaps another owner before this one gets to a reasonable price.

Excitement about its looks doesn't mean that they "must" build it. It's cool, but they'll sell about 17 of them. Fiat rescued Chrysler, and right now it's Chrysler's turn to return the favor by actually making money. They can't afford to build a dud right now.

Looks just like the Impala shot from last week, and both look just like an Accord coupe.

It looks to me like you got taken to escuela pretty bad, but whatever.

I can't believe that nobody's pointed out yet that Cameron Frye's car in Ferris Beuller's Day Off was an Alfetta. It was a piece of shit, and even Alfas came in beige.

Italian cars, such as the Lancia Beta and Alfasud are known to rust more than others because they're made of poor quality Soviet steel received as payment for the assistance of the Italian motor industry in building the Lada factory at Togliatti. Togliatti. Good Russian name. Further, if it hadn't been for Japanese