Blue skies in China?!
Blue skies in China?!
Is she like Samantha Brick or for real?
First of all, NONE of these commercial non-prescription "skin evening / lightening" creams work - and are no better than any other generic moisturizer or exfoliator.
All the press I've seen about Temptation is about Kim Kardashian.
The way people abused the poor family that was a victim to the inaccurate names being thrown around yesterday, is disgusting.
I have no shame. I would do this.
I'm glad LGBT groups aren't giving them too much credit, as they don't deserve it:
Well, they are Muslim according to their social network profile.
You do realize that entire studios that have refused to go condom-free have gone bankrupt in both the straight / gay porn industries?
Even primetime television shows have way more abhorrent and dangerous content for children than condom-less porn.
The "think of the children getting their education from porn" argument annoys me.
Because it is already a smash hit worldwide. Look at the charts.
"Gentleman" debuted at #12 on the US Billboard Hot 100, and is set for #1 next week.
Seems like you've fallen for misleading marketing tricks.
Rick Ross would never make such amateur spelling mistakes.
Because that's called good customer service.
Oh, you're one of THOSE.
She is OVER.
It's called ACTING.
Why are people on this site giving Obama so much slack?