
Then the guy is gay.

Except now, all the Teen Moms are rich as fuck.

Because their market research obviously told them otherwise.

Who cares?

Except, compare her photo to the other two white women. Same skintone.

They should also rent out the men, for even more profit.

Please also do a vulva article.

Riccitiello on Spore DRM protestors:

I hate Adam Scott. He is so boring and un-funny in everything he plays. And he's ugly.

I ignore any stories about foods that "give cancer".

Madeleine Davies needs to learn how to Google.

The last time I saw her on TV was when she popped up on Celebrity Apprentice and her cheap ass donated only 500 bucks.

As expected, EA wins again with the biggest SimCity launch of all time!

See. I knew gamers have short-term memory, and will continue to throw money at EA despite the SimCity fiasco.