@knightvash: The idea of central ATC is likely a good one, although all airports which use ATCs should still have a trained person on hand (or at least on call) 24/7 in case of network issues....
@knightvash: The idea of central ATC is likely a good one, although all airports which use ATCs should still have a trained person on hand (or at least on call) 24/7 in case of network issues....
@grysl: PinballFan is right; Your suggested solution is a bad one. There's already enough complicated electronic safety crap that airplanes legally must have, and they don't need any more.
My point is that the argument you're making is disingenuous. Having a lot of something does not give that something value; Likewise, if you have access to a lot of content that you have absolutely no desire to view, it is worthless. This is ESPECIALLY true when there are times when multiple pieces of content are…
The only game I've found that I'm not able to completely max out (max settings and full 2048x1152 pixel native resolution of my display) is Bad Company 2; It used to run those settings acceptably, but I've found more recently that it tends to stutter on these settings and generally becomes much less playable. For…
Alright then; Intel has generally been more conservative about RAM speeds than AMD, and it seems that the yield on their on-die memory controllers is lacking (or at least it was in the early days).
@oliveboy: This. Even a low resolution sensor will output great photos when teamed with ideal optics.
@groundlessnfree: Well we can tell what *you* want in a significant other...
@Iamnivek: Only in our depraved modern society.
@Obi-Haiv: The issue I have is that they fail to activate, fail to stay activated, and are invariably at the wrong temperature.
Alright then... Let's go through this in the order you did:
I'm more of an Intel/Nvidia guy, so I'm only really familiar with how it works on Intel's current-gen platforms (or at least 1366/X58) Namely, RAM at or above 1333 requires either an XE processor or overclocking {sometimes both}); That said, I don't know how AMD is handling the memory controller these days, and what…
@Vanilla-Terror: I think you're talking about radically different alternate universes.
@satyrica: I know, right?
@Omnislip: And thus he proves how much of an idiot he is. He even spells it out in TFA — paraphrased of course, but: "It's centered, it's just not centered the way I want it centered."
@SilverBlade2k: Three points:
@ninjagin: "I'm pretty happy that we're at a place where there's very little reason to upgrade processors or graphics cards every other year."
@ttk2: Actually, you could cut more money off that; It should run comfortably with the 650W version of that PSU, which is currently running ~80 USD on Newegg.
@elwraith: "Ultimately, PC vs. console is inconsequential; they're just portals for an experience. But - and it's a big but - they're different experiences. If publishing bean counters could come to a deeper understanding of that basic idea and allow for a little more cash to be put toward properly moving a title…
@a grue.: To be perfectly honest, I didn't read *all* of your post, because it's a bit verbose, it's late (or is it early?), and I really only have a few real points of contest with what you have said. That said, I at least thoroughly skimmed everything but your concluding paragraph.
@KamWrex: If you do it right these days you don't really have to upgrade a PC that often; I put this one together mostly out of cast-off parts from my original system; Several of the parts date to late 2008 or earlier.