
I'll admit that I don't know all the actual legalities, but it is my understanding that my my last grandparent to die (paternal grandfather, about four years ago) was buried much as I describe above; not embalmed, in a plain shroud, in a plain wooden box which was placed in a larger concrete box.

This is why I'm so happy that I was able to pick a few games out of the clearance rack at the new Target half a mile from me; I scored Brutal Legend, The Saboteur, Dragon Age, and something else all for under 10 bucks each.

The issue is not *whether* it will fail, it is *how* it will fail.

@slapops: You're right; It may be a dumb suggestion. I'm really not sure at this point, but I'm leaning in that direction. Sorry.

@Uzza: @megazor:

@killakoopa: Dude, I have yet to find anyone selling a residential internet connection that will even APPROACH the read/write speed of my RAID array. Two WD Caviar Black 1TB drives in RAID 0, and I've consistantly gotten at least 50 MB/s transfer rates when extracting large compressed files that were also stored on

@cloudsymph: If by "more reliable" you mean "fails without warning taking all your data with it" then yes, SSDs are "more" reliable. You can rely upon then to severely screw you just when you can't afforded to be screwed. Like when you're attempting to present something to potential investors and/or customers....

Current SSD tech is small (storage wise), fast, failure prone, relatively untested, and massively expensive.

@freelancer1991: Exactly why I won't be buying an SSD anytime soon.

@S h a z b o t: I've played it, and I would say that it's worth somewhere between $5-15 USD. Then again, I am a notoriously cheap bastard when it comes to games.

Honestly, I'm not sure; I guess whatever story elements I played through just didn't hook me.

Nope, TV isn't real life.

@ifandbut: The filter I've been using is ca.*insertgawkernetworksitehere*.com .

@j1mbo: Nah, more the Oppenheimer...

@62imperialcrown: It was probably due to the fact that the frame looked to be greater than 50% bondo.....

@d20Dark: "I finish a game that I LOVE, but there are games that demand a lot more of the player than others. I want a big game that has quality content from start to finish..."

@Agent55: My completion rate for PC games is pretty close to 100% as far back as I remember; My completion rate on 360 though, is fairly low.