
@Arnheim: I'm glad I'm not the only one who got that out of TFA; Basically that the media likes to blame Conservatives for almost everything except when they can't, and then they have to find some other scapegoat, like video games...

@morgon.kanter: Basically, what you're saying is that once the problems the unions were dreamed up to fix were more or less corrected (overly long work hours, overly dangerous working conditions, etc.), and the unions had moved on to just demanding more money for less work, protecting their favorite employees

So what it sounds like to me is that they've told us that the people with more active brain matter in certain brain components are better at some specific tasks that require non-trivial actions and reactions.

@The5thElephant: They could if we were willing to actually use them.

@Thad E Ginathom: I haven't really read the literature, but Db increases are on a logarithmic scale, whilst power is generally on a linear scale....

It was the same with 4.2.1, which has been jailbroken since around Thanksgiving, and yet there really isn't a publicly available jailbreak method for 4.2.1 on the iPhone 4 that doesn't require a computer to reboot the phone into a jailbroken state.

@yourcitylovesyou: You assume that everyone reading this blog has man-tits; This is not the case.

@gadjitfreek: I haven't seen that episode, but if they just shot a different phone with a higher caliber/speed round (one with higher inertia), had it clamped to a vice, and didn't have layers of clothing on top of or under it, then their testing isn't valid in this case.

@Curves: That may sound smart on the surface, but it's a really dumb idea. Kevlar stops bullets by being formed into many thin flexible layers of fabric with high tensile strength. It's used because it's light and effective. Kevlar vests stop bullets by preventing the bullet from penetrating (high tensile strength),

@Joshua Bardwell: It all depends on the caliber of the bullet, the length of the barrel, the angle it hit the phone, and the distance between the muzzle and the phone.

@RetroVertigo: "It's so weird and sad how we never think of the homeless to be highly educated and wonderfully articulate just because"

@drewkkake: And this is why you're starred and Jbossard (the idiot above comparing the demand for copyright to expire to a demand for socialism) isn't.

@jbossart: What you don't seem to understand is that cultural works have historically (going back CENTURIES) been a matter of public domain; Copyright was proposed as the COMPROMISE between the rights of the people and the rights of the author.

@jbossart: What you don't seem to understand is that cultural works have historically (going back CENTURIES) been a matter of public domain; Copyright was proposed as the COMPROMISE between the rights of the people and the rights of the author.

@gnur: Actually, that might be pretty awesome.

@Retsaot: And you have just described why how much the air is moving around matters more than the temperature of the air.