
@chasqui: I found out just how few people around me knew how to drive a stick this summer: Working down at a scout camp, I found that I was one of maybe half a dozen people who knew how to drive a stick. Since several of the camps vehicles have manual transmissions, there were a few times where I got pulled out of

@danio3834: I don't know that it would even need to be charging all the time; The battery shouldn't drain that fast.

@tasadek: That would seem to be a much cheaper, not to mention much simpler, solution than the one outlined in the article...

@Lindsay Funke: I keep one at my desk so that I can mix a consistent quantity of liquor into whatever I happen to be drinking...

@HK-47: Apple's release schedule is also different because you're effectively paying a nominal fee for a service pack.

@Bs Baldwin: Depending on the laptop, your best bet may be LINUX. Seriously.

@TuxRug: The real problem with Vista wasn't really the OS itself, it was THIRD PARTY SUPPORT.

@earbenT: They definitely need to roll a lot of their UI back to how it was on XP....

@tobylane: SSD is not the answer, a more efficient low-level boot system is.

@arcticfox012: Because if you use it how you see fit, you'll use more of it.

@pagan_god: There's a big problem with that figure in your first paragraph: It's the one that the GOVERNMENT is giving out.

@Engineerman: Remember the WWII-era British poster: "Keep calm and carry on."

@GuardDuck: This current bit of theater probably wouldn't have stopped the underwear bomber any more than the theater at the time did. All one would have to do is wear adult diapers and replace the absorbent material with explosives. "Sir, what's this I'm feeling at your crotch?" "That's my adult diaper, you

@artdude102: Demand that it be done by someone who you find sexually attractive, and/or tell them that they'd have to at least buy you dinner first....

@jason.schwanke: "Israel has a system that works in the most volitale area in the world, without inconveniencing travelers (at all), can't we please wise up?"

@Kwinten: I tend to agree with your sentiment; What a lot of people over here tend to call "beer" isn't actually beer.

@freedomweasel: "What you want in a "nice" car, is clearly different than what I want in a "nice" car however."

@freedomweasel: "By parking out of the way I'm saying that there are people in the world (like you) who think of cars the same way I think of my toaster. I do not trust you around my car. Just as you may not trust me around your fancy water cooled computer."

@freedomweasel: They don't want their car to be damaged. I respect that.