
@pettiblay: No, not really. Apple came along and said to them "Hey, we'd like to buy your property; Get back to us with a number and we'll talk."

@Francisco Galárraga: Honestly, it really wasn't clear from the article, and I'm *still* not sure which it actually meant...

@djuniah: My point is that calling something like that "case mod" is offensive to real casemods. You want to see a REAL casemod with some elements inspired by Bioshock? see my link below; Trust me, it's impressive.

@argylefox: More to the point, putting a shitty bunch of 3 year old hardware in an aquarium filled with mineral oil and a big daddy does not equal a "case mod."

@Zinger314: Good point. I actually have the apple composite video cable on hand because it was the only way I could find to rig up a stereo system on short notice (I left a key cable at home, and was nowhere near a radio shack)...

Without getting into the legality of them putting one of these on your car, I would imagine that once they come onto YOUR property and attach such a device to YOUR car, that it would become *YOUR* device to keep, sell, or destroy as you should please.....

@HektikLyfe: Yeah, I'm thinking that if I find something on my car that it's MINE, and that I'm free to sell it.

@rotciv97: Exactly; The geek attitude is that I like stuff that's cool. The Hipster attitude is that item x is cool, so it makes *ME* cool to have item x, and I know that *I* am cool, so fuck all you haters.

@doyleman7: To be honest though, it is a legitimate concern.

@danielblakes: Precisely. I'm fairly certain it has happened before too. I seem to recall an incident with a ballwasher of some sort...

@TheUCanes: Again though, that van isn't all that wide. My point is that it seems to be common sense to me that you don't put a narrow-ass goat path in the GPS unit's map files to begin with.

@Dapke36: You don't need to die to win a Darwin award, you just need to "remove yourself from the gene pool." In other words, you need to remove your ability to reproduce.

@TheUCanes: Actually, in this case I think he'd be right to; That path had no business being in a car GPS map in the first place.

@coldheartinc: And again you continue to prove the antithesis of what you set out to.

@coldheartinc: And you're so biased that you don't realize that guns are guns no matter where they exist.

@CaptainJack: That's because the fuel gauge isn't legally required to do anything other than tell you when your tank is nearly empty.

@Khorney: Yeah, you can tell that by the fact that they have to put up all that netting around their factories...