I just don't even like the idea of sucking the juice out of something and then throwing the rest away. It's expensive and wasteful. Foods are packed in neat little parcels of fibre for a reason. And unless your juices are seriously vegetable-heavy (carrots don't count), you're basically drinking concentrated sugar. As

When she was so totally unsure about marrying Barney that she was trying to crawl out the nearest window, I was virtually yelling at the TV screen "DON'T DO IT!" Why would the writers force an intelligent empathetic woman to marry an avowed womanizer and narcissist when she CLEARLY knew it was a dumb idea? And why,

I always hated the Robin and Barney pairing, and only got on board with it during the wedding because I thought "okay this is happening whether I like it or not, at least now we can get them out of the way and focus on Ted and the mother."

And because of that, she got divorced and temporarily lost all her friends. Women have to be punished for having ambitions.

PREACH IT, SISTER. I endorse every word of this critique.

I'm convinced with HIMYM they just threw in a laugh track automatically every 15 seconds.

I loved Tracy too. She was so fresh and sweet and baggage-less. And she and Ted had chemistry. Robin really got kinda bitter and bitchy in the final years. I blame the writers, for making her barren and career-obsessed and divorced and nomadic and too busy for friendship. They really ruined Robin's character. She was

That was my exact thought. They look like marble sculptures.

From the slightly hysterical Daily Wildcat Twitter Feed:

"I guess for me, I'd rather call if anything is off, then just let it slide."

I've had the same issue, in Australia. It was a HUGE deal for me to call, because it was family and I had no idea how it was going to play out. Was I going to upset an already delicate situation that could end in violence or suicide? But then I called and they were like "okay, keep a notebook and document everything

Now I feel bad. Here's a knock knock meme: to cheer you up:

I thought it said "I think I got some SAD in there or something." And I was like "yup, me too."

That's what they all say. Except they usually care enough to spell "you" properly. Don't let the door of opportunity hit you on the way out.

My mom taught me never to settle down with someone who doesn't share my beliefs. About memes.

Your profile pic also led me to believe you have no sense of humor. In that sense it was accurate. I've given the best of myself to this relationship. I gave you not one but two Fry memes. I just don't see a future for us.

Your profile pic led me to believe that you were smart, possibly insufferably so. You haven't earned your glasses and beard. I demand that you turn them in at your nearest university.

That definition was by Richard Dawkins who invented the concept of the meme and came up with the word "meme." Take it up with him.

New Kinja didn't put the images where I wanted them, because new Kinja is THE DEVIL. But you get my point.

Ah ha! You're catching on. Even though you didn't make an actual "knock knock" joke, I understood to what you were referring, because the Knock Knock joke is a widespread meme, a "unit of cultural transmission, or a unit of imitation" which is understood by a vast and diverse social group but nevertheless evolves over