Funny enough, Federation Force IS a blast and worth playing. I’ve beaten it already. It’s a good game. Just not a great Metroid title.

As a bit of a UI nerd I seriously love what they’re doling with this game, but man, maybe tone it down a notch? All those squiggly lines and transitions are giving me an actual headache, to the point where I’m honestly not sure how I could play this for longer than an hour at a time.

what? I like Tetra Master more.

Finally some love for the best FF.

From left to right in the top picture (for those who don’t mind being spoiled):


Prototype (1&2) was by the same team... and Hulk did that shit better IMO. As for SR4... Debatable. One thing BOTH sorely lacked was the Weaponization. Prototype (both 1 & 2) lacked the insane momentum of Ultimate Destruction, I also felt that Ultimate Destructions Side Activities were more fun and varried. Saint’s

Better than Ultimate Destruction? I think not.


Nausicaa always and forever

I did actually count the number of quest between Ultima (Last quest of 2.0) and the last quest of 2.55. It is 100 exactly. Don’t worry, not everyone are a battle or dungeon. Some of them are just text, go there, more text, finished.

Adventure Time Princesses Ranked.

Or the load time problem is a significantly more difficult problem to address, which is far more likely.

Hopefully no one finds another one. Those glitches undermine the game. Why buy it if that is all you want to do

Here is my opinion on the Souls games "exploits":

Whoever voted One Piece is crazy. Like I love the anime but all the padding and filler disrupts the flow of the series. Plus the Manga has Cover Stories that tell you what happens to characters after an Arc finishes.

But hey it turns you into Vampires

I watched it. I didn't cringe. Thought the part at the end was kind of funny.

And now you gave him the biggest victory he could hope for. A Kotaku article about him.