
I’m not and accountant, but:

Honestly it looks like a Subaru Wilderness with X Mode would do that just fine. Have you SEEN some of the trails people take those over? Other than height clearance they are very capable unless you want to do some steep/very rocky climbing.

I’m no Certified Business Genius, but I’ve always thought that a good way to improve one’s stock price is to develop, produce, and then sell desirable products at a price somewhere north of the production costs.

They don’t think it actually makes the air cleaner. There are a couple of justifications. One is the belief that humans are not a factor in climate change (if they’re even willing to admit such a thing exists), and so by extension don’t see car emissions as a problem or negative factor that needs to be addressed.


Ragebait will definitely get you clicks, but well thought of articles can too. I remember Jalopnik used to have some really good interview articles and investigate articles. Can we get back to that? I feel like the only reason I'm still here is the comment section and it's a hot or miss if that is even working.

Eh, let’s not confuse the (Polish, in the article pic) Mig 29, upper right here, with an F-16 in the lower left.

I believe those are Polish Mig-29 s in your picture.

Edit: I just played around with the builder on the Ford website and oh my god, can I please have one options package that doesn’t automatically paint half the car black? This sucks.

The downside with the Outback is the rack- if you are an outdoorsy type who has an entire ecosystem of Yakima or Thule accessories that go on your round bar rack that clips onto the roof rails of your Forester, they aren’t going to transfer to the Outback and you’re going to end up spending a mint replacing them. Ask

I say save the money and get a slightly bigger CPO Subaru Outback for like $23k:

Or even an CPO Ascent for $28k. With the 3rd row down, still plenty of space for a big dog to roam around:

All the stated requirements point to the Subaru Outback.

If the 2002 Forrester currently works for room, with size inflation, the Crosstrek is now around the size of the 2002 Forester. You can get one with the bigger engine nicely equipped for under $35,000.

The actual Recaro does, yes. This Recaro is one the one Recaro sold off and is licensing the name only for automotive.

These wingnuts seem funny at first, but the SovCit movement attracts whackos who love guns. Cops who pull over cars with fake plates have been shot, because, well, “whacko with a gun” reasons.

I am soo fed up with this site. I’ve accessed a few articles throughout the day and as I scroll down I keep getting rerouted to a Root slideshow article on Olympians.

There’s a very very simple solution to this. He’s flying an unidentifiable aircraft. 3 warnings to land immediately. Failure to do so... blow it out of the sky.

Leaders of the ASN teach that acquiring a United States passport is one of the steps to becoming an ASN. They instruct followers to apply for “non-national citizen” passports

Recaro hasn’t really been Recaro for a long time - the automotive division was sold to Johnson Controls over a decade ago. The Recaro name has really only been used in licensing for a long while now.

Just a point of clarification / definition from the comments: a venture capital firm invests in early-stage, risky “startups”... moon shots that will probably fail, but could change humanity (at least, that’s the purest and most generous definition).

Another bunch of greedy assholes ruin a company. Anyone else as sick of VC and hedge funds ruining great companies as I am?  Fucking VC. ARRRGGGH