
Why is Mulan a princess now? She's not royalty in the movie and neither is the man she's attached to by the end.

No, I'm saying they're spreading a lot of misinformation.

No mention of Moot being Time's most influential person of the year (and them actually honoring that)

I'm glad you came on here to tell us Jessi is doing better. You are right in assuming that there are good people in the world who would be glad to hear that. Jessi is also right to screen the opinions of the world out, because there will always be some despicable asshole somewhere telling you you're a piece of shit.

Just chiming in to say I loved her! Also original Jimmy. I loved original flavor Jimmy's relationship with Perry, too.

I quit /b/, and nothing of value was lost.

I was a huge FoLC, and I really hated the change from season 1 to 2. I liked Cat and the Original Jimmy. Hell, even the pseudo Jimmy character - Jack. The show went from being this smart and quirky romance/adventure to a lame villian-of-the-week. I don't think they got their footing back 'til late in the second season

I think I would have to go with the combo of both Remis Lupin AND Tonks.

As far as Angel is concerned I vote for this guy:

My reaction was pretty much the same. I was in awe that a weapon I'd seen in a comic a couple years before (it was AT LEAST a year before it showed up in the series) actually made it onto the show, and in the exact same design.

How the heck did the artist manage to make a lion look so much like Charles Dance?

the ONLY scene in the entire shitty prequel trilogy that actually made me feel something. It was a combination of relief (that the movie was nearly over) and feeling bad for Obi-wan.

I'm not.

You don't have to follow anyone!

What!?! You mean that Monty Python and the Holy Grail is actually historically accurate!

Now I'm picturing Attack on Titan with giant snails replacing the titans. It will be a slimy invasion.

Yep. If the question is "Who knew illuminated manuscripts contained so many fart and poop jokes?" my answer would be Terry Gilliam.

Yes, we're idiots. We have this long standing delusion that at any point, even the poorest person has plenty of opportunities to eventually become wealthy, and because of that delusional "potential" dream, people will regularly vote against their self interest in the slim hopes that one day, somehow, they can become