The generic fancy border on the package just cracks me up!
The generic fancy border on the package just cracks me up!
I just grabbed vol. 2 of The Vision.(Vol. 1 had been on sale after Christmas.) I also got a bunch of volumes of Thor, Angela, Ms. Marvel, Squirrel Girl, Spidey/Deadpool, and for just $5 the entire Planet Hulk (it’s normally like $35).
I just grabbed vol. 2 of The Vision.(Vol. 1 had been on sale after Christmas.) I also got a bunch of volumes of…
My dad used to make his own aftershave by steeping a bunch of bay leaves in a bottle of alcohol.
Every time this administration responds to criticism with thin-skinned pettinesses, I think we should all respond with this video:
It’s ... It’s like the worst ever episode of Reno 911. wtf
I would just like to take this time to declare that I fucking hate JJ. I just want to slap his stupid face.
My students came in to school yesterday worried that if Trump won there would be WWIII. They wanted reassurance again that a wall that would block them from their families in Mexico would be prevented by checks and balances. I told them not to worry, it would never happen. They believed me. Will they believe me today?
It’s 9 est and the PBS News Hour team has reached the Bargaining Stage of Grief.
In the classroom, I have:
For those wondering, it is possible to be groped while teaching kindergarten.
Seeing Barb’s car made me cry for my ‘88 Cabrio, bought cherry in the 2000's and killed by an SUV two years later. RIP
I think I’ve figured it out: if it asks for your login, the servers are down.
It worked fine last night and this morning, but now that I finally drag my ass out of bed it's a no-go.
Same goes with Popcorn.
Love Junko! She’s like the ero guro response to Superflat.
Worms and eyeball touching squick me out, so I can’t handle a lot of Kago.