seems like this video might suit the topic
seems like this video might suit the topic
early version had feet, didn't work quite as well as this video shows...
I have been a fan of broteam for awhile.... some of there vids are god awfull... this was one of the good ones
ok here we go TERA
and people wonder why no one buys the vita.... god if its barley selling in japan when it has a HELL of alot more games is it really no surprise it wont sell in areas with online 1/3rd of the library
man also the animation after the specials... like cyborg is eaten by a shark and then hes just back there.... or after his super plasma beam the stuff just disappears from his back no attempt to hide it.... it just flicks out of exsitance.
pretty sure PS4 has sold no consoles so far.....
see if sony just did a xbox 360 where the content is linked to your console AND your account you logged into, so when you switch back you could still play the stuff you bought on the other PSN networks, they would get alot more money than they would right now
i actually quite like this idea, alot of people forget the rubber duck game sony released it would make alot of sense
so.... it looks like a kinect.... because?
best comment right here
so city is half Helgast..... please tell me I get to play as THAT half not the fricken ISA..... am I the only one who played Killzone and wanted to shoot the ISA as the Helgast outside of multiplayer? well so far..... im as an ISA guy again fighting the evil space cockneys in there evil British space empire cause…
and so it begins
erm this might seem a little odd to ask but has Kotaku ever thought of adding GMT to when they announce times?
compared to Xenoblade it was.... but thats Xenoblade.
if its anything like Counter Strike: Neo (an arcade exclusive CS game for Japan) im all in
TOR was build on the hero engine, which while a stable release of the...... current version was released in 2011 (not the one TOR runs on by the way that's an older version) however it got finalist for best engine..... in 2006.... see where im coming from here?
so games that use engines from over 7 years ago.... got it
well for starters games.tm in the UK in there PRINTED magazine (not online since there's a review embargo GEE I WONDER WHY?) gave it a 4/10 basically stating that it looks like a game outa 2006 and plays like one to