actually iv also seen the "high res" PC footage since it leaked from Origin (and anyone can play it right now if they have it preloaded on that) it looks terrible..... also your sarcasm of against having large scale open battles on the surface is why past AvP games where so liked and how the new games have been so low

which is all the more reason to worry.... only reason no reviews are not posted is cause the publisher has requested for no no early reviews (since they know its gonna be bad)

iv been hearing bad things about colonial marines.... real shame :(

man I love living in the UK and waiting MONTHS for this to even hit.... just consider yourself lucky to have a chance of playing it.... LONG LIVE REGION LOCKING!

I believe the correct term is actual English

when ever I get killed in call of duty (alot) it always ends up with an emblem like this

thank god you didnt add her awfull dubbed voice over.....

what the hell I did read the article I dont want to PICK sides, I want to fight AS A HELGAST

why do we always have to play as the "good guys" why dont we ever get to play the Helgast outside of multiplayer as the main characters..... I mean the entire time I played killzone I was sick and tired about how god awfull the "space americans" where there was nothing likable about them, and they looked generic as

I have both.... Chivalry is defiantly the more well polished and more fun of the two

yet they still find the time to port games like resident evil, DMC, lost planet, Street fighter IV, dead rising..... what are those titles? free?

It boggles my mind why Capcom wont publish a version of this in the west for the PC

DLC where you play as the original dude from farcry after he was infected like in the console versions..... would make me replay just for the predator jump stuff....

Kawaii UGUU!

Now playing

my fav of all time, I liked how it changed slightly to match each area, so if you where within the eastern seas it would sound Asian etc.. also lets be honest the Delphinus is one of the most badass battleships in videogame history.... basically space battleship Yamoto with more style.

if this was also on PC I would buy again.... just saying

Now playing

Operation Rainfall was an attempt to put big name JRPG's onto the original Wii.... it was a success the problem was for a long time it was only for Japan/Europe until america complained enough (this was a good thing) and got the 3 games released over here, which where Xenoblade Chronicles, The Last Story and finaly

UK but from kinda wish I got it from amazon as well... although they did screw up my SE of star trek online big style, there shipping is alot better time wise than

wait wait wait... SEGA bought company of heroes......