The revival of this post just makes me more grateful for the fact that I wasn’t a 14-16 year old kid when Xbox Live and PSN were launched. I was 23 in ‘07. So I was already past all the xXxWhateverNamexXx6969 names and such.

I just want to point out that the generation you speak primarily of is not the Millennials. Millennials are kids born from ‘76-’96. So there is a large bulk of the Millennials that are over 30. It has taken me some time to come to terms with it. Really hated being called a Millennial for a very long time. For

Completely depends on you and your pain tolerance. For me, the chubby portions are what hurt the most, as in calf or inside of the upper arm. 

The 7 did away with the headphone jack.

Depends on how it is implemented. It won’t just be a straight touch, as in if your hand touches it and then it waskes up. LG has been pretty successful with the touch to wake. A specific double tap on the screen will wake the device. The few LG phones I have had, since they introduced that feature into their line has

That is what I did when I started out on Reddit. Started going through the defaults going, “don’t care about this, don’t care about this, don’t care about this. Aw screw it, delete all and start with what I want.”

Nope. I am in Alabama actually. Though the company I was working for is east coast based.

While technically it is part of China, the closest I have been is Taiwan. Strangely enough, I did not take many pictures of the food there. For there, it really depended on what we were eating for what kind of proportion we we got. But generally, meals were smaller to medium-ish sized portions. Taiwan is one of those

Very true. Spending time in other countries that don’t just give free refills has actually helped me a lot in minding how much I am drinking. I just got used to not getting a refill, so I don’t just constantly sip while there.

You know, I have always just taken the statement of US portion sizes being larger than the rest of the world at face value and accepted that as fact. However, from my limited experience in the past few years, that isn’t exactly as cut and dry as everyone makes it out to seem.

I will always have my folder of GIFs, ready to go at a moments notice.

I have no experience with the IR remote and receiver. I did however put the motor and battery pack on the train from last year. Two speeds, on and off. The only time I had issues with it falling off was when the youngest would try to grab the train is it went around the track.

All you need is the train motor, which comes with all the necessary components to make the train go, and a battery pack.

Didn’t realize that the Shield TV has a 4k Blu-Ray drive...

It basically being a 4k bluray player would be the main thing I would use it for. I mainly play games on the PS4 or PC. It is where my friends are and it is where I went. The reality of it all is that the Xbox consoles have been glorified Halo boxes for me. I do usually pick up the few exclusives that interest me that

I am definitely one of the opposites. I am lost in the menus of the XOne. PS4, I can fly through to get what I want. Whether it be party chat, share play, joining a friend, or what not. For reference, I have a launch PS4 and a XOne that I bought in March of 2014.

You just don’t know what you are missing, my friend. Now granted, I do a little more than just the cheese.

I used to think movie snobs were bad, but they do not hold a candle to the book snobs. People like that person drives me crazy. If it isn’t in this elite list of “greatest works every made” then it is complete garbage and anyone who likes that is wrong. There is no ability to enjoy the deep, moving masterpiece along

The biggest problem though is that the people, like Jake Paul, who get stereotyped and lumped into the category of “those damn Millennials” aren’t even Millennials. Those people who have grown up with Facebook, comment sections, and selfies” are those that belong to Gen Z, not Millennials*. Remember, people are