Assuming that it works like T-Mobile’s Wi-Fi calling, then yes. It is integrated into the phone where you don’t have to use a separate app. As long as you are connected to Wi-Fi, all calls go over it instead of cellular.

Here are the screenshots of mine I could find for Android. First, the Sony Z3. That symbol in the top left indicates that you are connected to Wi-Fi calling and it is ready to use.

I’ve been using T-Mobile’s Wi-Fi calling for years and have never had a separate app for it. Both on Android and iOS, just turn on Wi-Fi calling in settings and go. Now I will fully admit that prior to the iPhone 6, iOS may have required a second app. I spent a week with the 6 Plus and have been using the 6s Plus for

I personally plan on doing as my parents did for me. That is, let the kids use one of our vehicles to get back and forth to work until they save up enough to buy a vehicle. Now for my oldest, I plan on cutting him slack though. In eight years, my Focus will be ten years old and he will be 16. I’ll sell it to him for


Okay, so you live in Texas. Does that mean I live in the same time zone? Does that mean you don’t work second or third shift?

Per the article: “It’s the last scheduled playable level for the game”.

There was no irony in your post. I guess you fail to understand that the time that you see under replies is not the time that everyone else sees. I guess you fail to understand that the world has multiple time zones. But go ahead and resort to insults because you attempted to be “ironic” but failed miserably at it.

Hey, I’ll just respond to your reply to me and Jay at the same time.

Maybe you shouldn’t be screwing off at work then? Or maybe realize that the world doesn’t revolve around you and what you think are your “needs”?

Just to go ahead and knock this out before getting started. Yes, the United Kingdom owns a small portion of the Irish island that the British Empire gained through conquest. The creation of Northern Ireland was in 1921. Less than 100 years ago. Guess no one told you about all the strife and conflict that has occured

Just because you completely lack any confidence to do maintenance on a vehicle, does not make it a bad idea. Brakes are among some of the easiest things to do on a vehicle. Sure, drums are annoying and I gladly pay for someone to do them just so I don’t have to fiddle with them. But discs? Easy and can be done in

So you can marginalize the US and Canada as “by and large come from the UK”, which is pretty factually incorrect, but a Japanese man playing the role of a Chinese man is a huge offense. I guess all those French Canadians don’t count. Or those Americans that trace there lineage to Austrian decent. Germany and the UK,

As an Okie, it would be in bad taste for an Oklahoman playing a Texan. Don’t want to besmirch the good name of an Okie!

Now that is just taking it too far. Do you care when a Brit plays an American? A Dutchman playing a German? Serbian playing a Russian? An Israeli playing an Iraqi? Italian playing a Greek? An Indian playing a Palestinian? A Mexican playing a Cuban? A Peruvian playing a Brazilian? An American playing a Canadian?

Makes sense to me.

Whatcha talkin’ bout Willis? This is what we used in the Air Force for qual. Silhouette target with simulated ranges hung on a string at 25 meters.

That is exactly what I was thinking. Though I do have kids too. But yeah, four of five friends all come over and hang out. Everyone chips in for the cost which would put the price around that of a movie ticket per person (or less if a couple more people came). Then you can enjoy the movie how that group of friends

I will admit, I have actually been considering moving my investments around. But first, a quick background:

I have 225 hours in Civ 5. 82 hours in Beyond Earth. I wish there was a way to know how many hours I spent in Civ 1-4. Hours upon hours have been spent with the Civilization franchise.