
I finally solved the ear hurt thing.. After many years of sleepovers where the guy had horrible pillows, I started just grabbing a towel or sweater and it was actually great in that you can mold it enough to make a deep pocket for your ear. Nowadays I use one of those cottony taspestry type throws, and after a little

thank the pig

When I did have a bed partner we'd always have the same side of bed and be facing the same way, which sucks because then the lower arm would hurt and it is impossible to turn over...because then where do all your parts go? Folded up uncomfortably and tilting into that divot in the middle of the bed...Hell No!

I mostly like the show so I can put faces on the book characters and the visuals are fun. But books had so so much more depth, and I can use them to fill in parts the show skips.

The DVDs are in my local Library fairly quickly, so only a season behind. Check yours.

Marry Arya. She's the only female with any sense and intelligence. I would hitch my wagon to that shooting star.

I would do Tim Curry anytime he's in a lot of makeup...without it...meh.

I have had to cut a couple open to fix wiring issues. But one doesn't notice the duct tape if they are working properly...

I worked at an adult store for a while and I could not recommend any that were built for orgasm purpose. Never enough power. Or the vibrations were so fast that it was irritating instead. The plug in massagers have the power and lasting ability, and I'll look for the suggestions above. Since it's hard to get those

I'm so glad I'm not the only one, though I seem to be the only one in my circle.

I have a hard time looking at mine own in a mirror and know I could never face one in it's I would make a lousy lesbian, if I ever swung all that way. But going down is voluntary. I don't ever want to do that again on a dude, but I have gay friends I offer to subcontract out to if it ever becomes an issue.