
I just shaved my beard this week because I was looking too terroristy. I feel like less of a scrub, and even though I look 12, I'm digging the way people do a double take on me now.

if lulu lemon only wants people with certain body types wearing their clothes (clearly they're not as stupid as the AF ceo to come out and say that, but it's definitely a factor), can you really blame them? Clothing is all about one needs $50-100 worth of clothing to get just want to fit in and be

well, here in Ontario Canada, bags of milk are dominant...I could never really immerse myself in movies and tv shows whenever a character uses a carton of milk...*sigh*

30 to 100 miles is not far if you're looking to have ANY type of medical procedure done. Is the complaint here that abortion clinics aren't as prominent and accessible as Starbucks is? Having accessible clinics is essential, but having them as available and convenient as going around the corner for a bag of milk,

well, sounds like that night's finally caught up to them.

Jezebel, you need a content filter.


Huh? so it's "disheartening" to you that these products exist for the women who may want the option of having a vibrator that doesn't draw attention if found out of place, aka, discreet, or who want to slowly explore the world of self-gratification with something that isn't intimidating (as opposed to a foot-long

lol...well that was just a dirtbag manager. good link.

Personally, Hooters isn't any more or less "sexist" than any other bar/pub-style restaurant other than the fact that they're aware of male customers who prefer to have attractive waitresses and try to capitalize on that through branding.

well the mom is only slightly more fleshed out than the dad in so far as that she's had more lines :P

dry skin on anyone (male, female, anything in between) is gross...i liken it to having snot, eye gunk on your face or bad breath - basic hygiene and taking care of your body is important - trying to encourage the acceptance of not taking care of your appearance (no, i'm not talking about makeup, or weight) as

cool, so glad I can use this in my day-to-day now

So everyone is in an uproar over Tsarnaev being "glorified" on the cover of a magazine, because he doesn't deserve the "honour"? What are you talking about? He's a good-looking criminal behind one of the most publicized news-stories of the year, with a sob story to boot - why WOULDN'T a magazine want him on the cover?

there are enough actual instances of assault and victim-blaming in the world - you didn't need to dig up a confirmed staged clip to manufacture debate on the issue

It is interesting to note that to make a show successful about women for women, they need to make the ONLY male characters in the show complete 1-dimensional miscreants (piper and jason biggs' fathers as ophish father-figures, the jail-counselor as a perverted creep, and piper's husband as a completely agreeable's not the fact that gamers give a shit whether a woman is the head of xbox or's that THIS woman in particular seems to be responsible for spearheading the XBOXONE's rather comical demise.

so yo feel that you were gypped out of the glory, recognition, and cash that you feel you deserve for performing the natural act of reproduction and the care of your young? motherhood IS a job, an extremely difficult and necessary one to society, nuturing its inhabitants' potential into citizens....and you want to

it's kinda surprising/interesting seeing how many women on here are annoyed or discomforted by their breasts...didn't realize they were such a burden for you girls!

So let's say a female lead like The Wire's Snoop was is that any easier to relate t0 than the male characters? If a Snoop-like character was in the game, wouldn't there just be a discussion how the only female character is of a negative racial stereotype?