
Just to be clear...I'm not one of these people who get "worked up" over stuff like this, I was just trying to provide some kind of reasoning for "masters of [insert fandom]s getting worked up about this...and honestly, after reading your post, I can't think of anything lol. I digress.

ya...crazy amount of respect towards the Egyptian women's fight and bravery. It really just comes down to them making these changes. It's their fight - but we can support the hell out of it any way we can.'s hard seeing rape flaunted like this, but being unable to do anything about it and seeing how systemic the problem is makes you truly feel a loss for all of the women in Egypt.

hnnnnnngg.....dat assssss

This is just terrible...the sad part is, I don't know what can actually be done about this.

It is immature, and it'd be great if every geek could reach out and be a mentor to an apprentice...but I think you're missing the point. Sure, it's always cool to meet someone with similar interests as you. GoT is the perfect example...I mean, who hasn't read the books or at least watched the show? But if person A is

pretty sure all the ad is trying to show is that married sex can be just as good or better than single sex...this actually isn't an attack on the single, unmarried female in America.

waah waah waaaaah. ugh, I'm sick of this entire "struggle". You know what makes geek/nerd culture what it is? geeks and nerds just doing what they do and liking what they like and not giving a crap what other people think...they never have. They're not seeking belonging or acceptance because they're perfectly content

why should the average American woman be forced into a plus-sized competition?

Ugh, why is it none of the people I follow provide this type of entertainment?

I don't understand why it's wrong for Anne Rice to use "lynch mob" to describe what's happening to this Paula Deen? A "lynch mob" is what went after Frankenstien's monster, witches in Salem, currently in the middle-east, and to hundreds of blacks (and quiet a few whites) in the southern US ...I'm pretty sure people

because it's a hateful word, and you KNOW that it is. Can you honestly think of any other word, other the "cunt", that can hurt someone as deeply? If a white person stole your Abercrombie sweatpants and ran away, you'd call them an asshole. If a black person did, you'd just bypass "asshole" and go straight to "nigger"

So if an Asian actor HAD been cast, in accordance to tradition, as The Shredder, a post about how minorities are always portrayed as the villain, or "other", wouldn't be in this one's place? We wouldn't see anything about how the oh-so sacred Asian art of turtle-ninjitsu has been white-washed by western culture, and

I wish the article linked provided more info on how they determined these employees were "bullied"...are they just disgruntled workers who erroneously perceive co-workers as being treated better? Do more attractive coworkers just simply get more attention (as in, non-work related small-talk)? What's the ethnic or

Cool...all makes sense. Thanks people.

Can a few of you just kinda list reasons (other than health related) why a pregnancy might have to be terminated after 20 weeks? Just curious as to why one would need to be done this late?

Totally agree...anyone remember the 2011 women's motocross debacle? Other than women's golf, tennis, and Olympic hockey and soccer...won't find many guys tuning in.

Miyamoto is a really smart guy.

Exaaaactly. Be safe, be smart. You just can't throw caution out the window.

I agree with you, for sure...I don't plan on raising my son any differently than a daughter ...they'll be just as badass.