Last one and I'm done: Sam Neill, 66, and a glass of the fine wine he's aging like.

What's the average age of the Jez readership? 'Cause most of these guys you are mentioning are NOT old. Not to a geezer like me anyway!

i WOULD like to add Ian McShane to the list

I mean seriously….

All these comments and no one has mentioned Hugh Laurie? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE.

im super late to the party, but I discovered Scott Bakula this year, and it is deep and it is real. I would bang him 12 ways to Sunday and back.

I'd still hit it. Like the fist of an angry God.

Jack McCoy: droppin' panties since 1994.

I think that will actually happen in the future. M_I_C_H_A_E_L_fuckyou666 is the funniest thing in the world.

Could you imagine if human names worked like screennames and they all had to be unique?

This reminds me of when my college friends and I would joke about naming our children AIM names. "These are my children, BabyGuRl98, SkImBlE_ShAnKz, and Raven925."

I love, love, love this photo series, and wish there were more.

Oh, goodness! Half of my relatives and I get this all the freaking time! Sometimes I don't bother telling people I'm Sephardic. I cannot tell you the stupid comments people make or the stupid questions people ask.

I'm really glad this one was included. Discussions like this need to address all corners of racism and discrimination.

I'm dark Irish, but people frequently think I'm Jewish because of my coloring and curly hair. My boyfriend is Jewish and racially mixed, and doesn't present as white.

Microaggressions I've gotten: "So, what are you exactly?"

It hurts so hard. SO HARD. Plus, I'm from the West Indies, so there was the "Oh, ha ha you're too light to have that hilarious Cool Runnings accent (I come from TnT, I don't sound Jamaican)" and also the "But you don't sound like Bob Marley!" dichotomy I had to endure. I am NOT the "whitest" WoC you know. I might

Because when you are "one of the only..." person in your class, this is what happens. The stories my students in college tell me makes it really hard for me to tell them to stick it through, because I know how much it hurts ( I was in their shoes once at CAL) but of course I encourage them to push through and graduate

4.8 miles per second? Sounds like the other tomatoes need to ketchup.

It's not a Cylon, it's a delicious piece of produce! Leave it on board!