Coming along well; I don’t know that he’s ever been as close to the rim as he was right there.

You know how you feel about people wearing non-spooky costumes on Halloween? That’s how I feel about any adult wearing any costume on Halloween. We’re both stick-in-the-mud assholes. Learning to accept that is the first step to getting better.


Jesus, another blue line violation. 

“that just makes us all the more insufferable.” One thing we can all agree on. I’m begrudgingly happy for David Price and exactly nobody else.

Wow. The Jags are so bad, they’re even having trouble handling the Bills. 

Not sure what the tone of this article is supposed to be. Are you giving him shit for still seeming mentally unhealthy? He sounds frustrated but generally ok. In light of his taking a mental health leave, the smarmy tone of this article seems cheap at best and hurtful at worst. 

Just looking at his stats it doesn’t look like he had a *terrible* season. His WAR obviously isn’t great, but he hit .265 which is average with 10 homeruns and 48 rbi’s, which are also average. Then if you look at his past three years he hit over .300 each season, which is well above average. By just looking at the

That image has something else in common with the technical.

Things that are not as soft as that technical:

There’s still a shot but they’ll probably pass

Astros guy here. Without the interference that’s a catch and an out. Joe West may be a (insert insult here) but he lucked into the correct outcome. Astros fans may indeed be angry about this for years, but we really don’t have reason to.

Best golf Beef

Let’s keep Justine out of this. If we’re not hanging on Team USA’s jocks, then we shouldn’t Ryder Cup.

These guys may be the only team defeated by the Magic all year. 

“That’s a cool trick, Anna. But let me show you how to make a first round pick disappear.” -Vlade Divac

They don’t try to hurt people?! They blew up Vince McMahon’s limo and killed him!

Good prediction, but Gobert is far too good for this scenario. Replace him with John Wall

So you saying is that a restaurant owner just found a way to write off a bunch of pot purchases as a legitimate business expense?